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How to Set Up Current Awareness Services in Law Databases:


Some legal databases offer alerting services. Alerting services allow you to set up a profile detailing the subjects that interest you. The database will then alert you by e-mail each time new material is added which matches your interests.

RSS feeds

RSS stands for Really Simple Syndication. You can sign up to RSS feeds anywhere you see the RSS logo . These are updates that either 'feed' into your email inbox or into a 'feed' reader. These are usually free to set up and offer one place to collect all feeds as well as freeing up your inbox.


Create Alerts -

Our subscriptions include the

Alerts and RSS Feeds are available

Search Alerts: Enter search terms in the search box and click Search button to retrieve records. In the Search Results list, click Save as Alert to go to Create Alert screen. Enter Alert Name and click Save button to save the alert

Publication Alerts: Click  button on top of the screen to select Emails Alerts to set up an alert for a publication. Under Publication Alerts tab, check the boxes for the publications you wish to receive alerts for and then click Update Alerts.

Please note: our subscriptions include Construction, Dispute Resolution and Maritime and Commercial publications only. We cannot view the full text materials of other publications, e.g. Insurance Day even though we receive the publication alert of those publications.


To watch a video on how to set up email alerts on i-law, please click here.

RSS Feed: