The following table lists the call number of books of various Government & Public Administration categories in the Library. The books are mainly housed on the third floor of the University Library (Location of Collections | the static map)
Please note: the table only lists out the major scope of particular categories. Other related books and e-books subscribed by the Library need to be located via the LibrarySearch.
Major Subject | LC Class |
Administrative law | K3400 – 3431 |
Civil service | JF1501 – 1521 |
Communication in public administration | JF1525 |
Crisis management in government | JF1525 – 2112 |
Decentralization in government | JC348 – 497 |
Expenditures, Public | HJ2005 – 2216 |
Intergovernmental cooperation, International relations | JZ5 -6530 |
Internet in public administration | JF1525 |
Local government | JS39 – 5800 |
Political science | JA1 – 92 |
Political theory. The state | JC11 – 605 |
Public finance | HJ9 - 9940 |