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Evidence-Based Medicine: E-Books

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E-Book Collections

E-books are book-length publications in digital form, consisting of text, images, or both, readable on computers or other mobile devices. Most e-book publishers provide options to  download or print certain portions of an e-book but some publishers only allow online viewing. 

Clinical epidemiology: The essentials

by Fletcher GS et al. (2021), 6th ed.

Searching skills toolkit: Finding the evidence

by De Brún C & Pearce-Smith N (2013), 2nd ed.



Cochrane handbook for systematic reviews of interventions

edited by Higgins et al. (2019)

Statistical methods and reasoning for the clinical sciences: Evidence-based practice

by Satake EB (2015)


Developing evidence-based generalist practice skills

edited by Thyer BA et al. (2013)

Studying a study and testing a test: How to read the medical evidence

by Riegelman RK  (2005), 5th ed.



Evidence-based medicine toolkit by

Heneghan C & Badenoch D (2006), 2nd ed.


Symptom to diagnosis: An evidence-based guide

by Stern SDC et al. (2020), 4th ed.



How to read a paper: The basics of evidence-based medicine and healthcare 

by Greenhalgh T (2019), 6th ed.



Users' guides to the medical literature: A manual for evidence-based clinical practice

edited by Guyatt G et al. (2015), 3rd ed.


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