Title: | The Art of CUHK 2018 |
名稱: | 中大藝術 2018 |
Artists: | CUHK Fine Art Students |
作者: | 中大藝術系同學 |
Date: | 26 May - 24 June 2018 |
日期: |
2018年5月26日至6月24日 |
Exhibition Statement: |
Over the past years, the department has been fostering a broad spectrum of art talents in Hong Kong and has made significant contribution to the art circle locally and internationally. As a youthful part of the local art scene, students from the Department of Fine Arts, the Chinese University of Hong Kong are passionately preparing for “The Art of CUHK 2018”. Similar to the previous years, “The Art of CUHK 2018” provides a platform for students to exercise their autonomy: the formation and structure of the exhibition committee, administrative work, curation, publication, sponsorship seeking and the setting up of the exhibition venue are all coordinated by our students. The event will last for a period of few months; there will be several exhibitions and activities such as workshops and talks, that will provide an opportunity for our students to showcase their hard work. Also, the series of events will invite guests from the art circle and the public to visit our annual show for further exchange. Furthermore, public seminars will be held for promoting academic discussions, where art professionals will be invited to share their insights on topics relate to art, archive and social engagement. |
展覽簡介: |
過去一甲子,中大藝術系培育出不少英才,當中有專業藝術家、藝術行政人員及學者等,為推動香港藝術發展和普及化作出不少貢獻。「中大藝術」年度展覽更是香港藝術界的重要盛事,於每年春夏之交舉行,吸引大量藝術界人士與公眾前來參觀,互相交流。 「中大藝術2018」由學生自主籌劃,從展覽籌備委員會的架構與組成,到行政、策展、宣傳、尋找贊助及場地佈置等工作,皆由學生們自發籌組。整個活動為期數月,當中包括一連串展覽,亦有一系列工作坊及研討會等。除了展示本系學生的學習成果,亦旨在增加公眾參與藝術活動的機會,繼續肩負藝術教育與推廣的重任。此外,為了加強學術討論氛圍,今年設有多場開放予公眾人士參與的講座,將邀請藝術界專才分享有關檔案藝術及社會介入的關係,鼓勵溝通與交流,冀望在藝術領域上,達致同研並進。 |
Poster 海報