Title: | Seed of Twenties (Solo Display) |
名稱: | 貳拾種種 (個展) |
Artist: | Elsa Ngai |
作者: | 魏舍婭 |
Date: | 16 -27 August 2021 |
日期: | 2021年8月16日至27日 |
Statement: | "Seed"——various things. “Seed”——nourishing life.
I have become more reliant on art creation in my twenties because it is my only possibility. Artists are the earth, and artworks are the lives grown from the earth. Some dirt is covered with poor weeds, some soil can nurture her crops peacefully; some fertile lands cultivate aged but extraordinary trees, which bloom year after year, inspiring their next and next generations. I am a paddy field. Below the water layer, there is sticky and complex mud, presumably too foul for people but not bad for crops. After waiting for twenty years, I was eventually sowed by elves and the seed began to root down. I am cautiously holding the milky, white rhizomes of them, with the minerals and nutrients inside me. The seed, they are here in the exhibition. This exhibition “Seed of Twenties” is a brief conclusion of my thoughts and works in the age of twenties. All artworks in the exhibition were completed during the age of 20. I wish to see you here! Born in February 2001, Ngai Se Ngaa, Elsa is currently studying fine arts at CUHK. She desires to explore various aspects and possibilities of Chinese art and reconcile classic art and life drawing experience. She is also interested in farming, nature, and poetry, wishing to tell her story through artworks. |
簡介: | 「種種」——人事;「種種」——育種。
踏入二十歲,我變得更依賴創作,因為我發現自己除了藝術一事無成。 藝術家是泥土、是大地,藝術作品是地裡長成的生命,有的泥土乾癟而雜草橫生,有的土壤安守一方默默哺育她的作物;有的沃土養出千年古木,歲歲開花落果,滋養後人。 我是一片水田,下方是黏膩複雜的泥漿,上方是一層泉雨水,對人來說也許太髒亂了、對作物來說還不錯。靜待二十年,才有些種子被精靈灑下,開始往下生根,以前積累的礦物和養分終於在此刻興奮起來,我小心翼翼地含著種子們的乳白根莖,他們就在這裡...... 「貳拾種種」是一個小總結,展覽作品均於二十歲期間完成,讓我整理自己的作品和思緒,在這裡與你見面。 魏舍椏生於2001年2月,現就讀中大藝術系,有志於探索中國藝術的不同面向與可能,現專注於創作融合古典藝術與現代寫生色彩的作品;亦對農耕、自然、詩詞等題材有興趣,期望以作品訴說所思所感。 |
Poster 海報