Title: | Re- |
名稱: | 愈 |
Artist: | So Tsui Midori and Wong Yee Ling Esther |
作者: | 蘇翠及黃以靈 |
Date: | 2 October - 12 October 2018 |
日期: | 2018年10月2日至10月12日 |
Exhibition Statement: | “Re-”, a prefix, carries meanings like “afresh”, “anew”, and indicates withdrawal or restoration. Animals have the instinct response to lick an injury. However, it is not a way to aid wound healing. Such act can only reduce pain and smooth emotions. Human give animals a Buster collar in order to prevent them from wound licking, since “the wound will get infected” and “it is not good for their health”. Aren’t human doing the same thing though? |
展覽簡介: | 「愈」,通「癒」,帶有病情好轉、較好、更甚的意思。
動物受傷時會本能地吮舔傷口。可是,這行為並不會加速傷口癒合,只是一個減輕痛楚、紓緩情緒的做法。人會為動物戴上頭套,防止牠們舔傷口,因為「傷口會感染病菌」、「對健康不好」。 明明人也幹著同樣的事啊。 |
Poster 海報