Title: | Archaic Conjecture |
名稱: | 揣・意 |
Artist: | Fung Yee Tin |
作者: | 馮倚天 |
Date: | 6 - 17 November 2017 |
日期: |
2017年11月6日至17日 |
Artist Statement: | This exhibition intends to investigate how the painters in the past perceiving the world based on imitation from paintings of the old masters. Painting can be understood as the process of the co-operation of sight, hand and human-mind. It does not only illustrate what did the painter see but also reflects the painter's internalization from the outside world. Through investigating on landscape paintings, this exhibition focuses on how painters in the past perceiving the world. Besides it will be asked that if there are any common attributes among oriental and western art. |
展覽簡介: |
揣意,指的是揣摩古人之意。 展覽由臨摹古人畫作作為出發點,探討古人如何理解眼中所見的景像。繪畫作為心、眼與手的相互配合過程,不但反映了畫者所見、更反映了畫者對景像的內化過程。是次展覽所探討的正是古人如何透過繪畫山水理解眼中所見的世界。進而提問的就是東方的觀看方式和西方的觀看方式又有沒有共性?山水在當代又有甚麼可能性? |
Poster 海報