Title: | "Harsh Heat" and "As Tantalus Quenches His Thirst" (Duo Solo Display) |
名稱: | 《猛暑》及《深水之中止渴思梅》 (雙個展) |
Artists: | Lo Wing Tao and Tam Man Ching |
作者: | 盧永滔及譚敏晴 |
Date: | 20-24 January,2020 and 18-29 May, 2020 |
日期: | 2020年1月20日至24日及2020年5月18日至29日 |
Statement: | "Harsh Heat" — I have learnt at a young age that Water Ghosts are the most ferocious. If I were to become a ghost amidst the vast Summer sea, I would probably, in days reeking of sweat, slam heads against walls with brute force, sing hymns in Japanese at the top of lungs, sanitize wounds with brute force, murmur prayers in Spanish at the top of lungs, hold “good morning” towels tight within palms with brute force, and while petting doggies with tears running down boiling cheeks, make a scene. Lo Wing Tao (b. 1998, Hong Kong), eldest son in the family, takes interest in freestyle cooking and freestyle embroidery, and wishes to have a dog. Lo currently majors in Fine Arts in the Chinese University of Hong Kong, graduating in 2020 hopefully.Shifting among installation, western painting and poetry, Lo presents through his creative practices amplifications of vagueness and the theatrics of instinctual sentiments in a very careful manner.
簡介: | 《猛暑》— 從小就聽說水鬼最猛。若要化身暑熱海水裏的一隻鬼,大概會在汗流滿面的日子裏,大大力把頭撞向牆、大大聲用日文唱聖詩、大大力消毒傷口、大大聲用西班牙文呢喃禱文、大大力捏緊祝君安好毛巾,淚流滿面地摸著狗狗,大鬧一場。 盧永滔(一九九八年生於香港),家中長子,興趣是隨意烹調和隨意刺繡,希望養狗。現就讀香港中文大學,主修藝術,盼能於二零二零年畢業。創作徘徊於裝置、西畫與詩之間,盧小心翼翼地呈現放大的模糊與本能情緒的浮誇。 |
《深水之中止渴思梅》 — 希臘神話中的坦達羅斯是宙斯之子,他觸怒了諸神,被宙斯打進冥界。他被罰站在深的水池裡,當他口渴想喝水時,水就退去;他的頭上有果樹,肚子餓想吃果子時,樹枝即被吹往上,永遠忍受饑渴的折磨;還說他頭上懸著一塊巨石,隨時可以落下來把他砸死,因此永遠處在恐懼之中。或許我們可以教他曹操的做法啊。士兵們口渴到快支撐不住就跟他們說前方有很多梅子,他們聽到都口水直流,趕快上路。一句話支撐起了整隊軍人,那麼也應該能支持坦達羅斯吧? 譚敏晴,一九九八年生於香港,對狗、太空、外星人和考古有興趣。現就讀香港中文大學藝術系本科,可能於二零二零年畢業。其創作以混合媒介、裝置為主,多利用日常物品嘗試檢視和探索建構與人之關係。
Poster 海報