Title: | VUCA (Joint Display) |
名稱: | VUCA (聯展) |
Artists: | Siu Ka Hei, Chan Hiu Ying Janet, Chi Tin Sui and Cheung Tsz Ki |
作者: | 蕭嘉禧、陳曉楹、池田穗及張子琪 |
Date: | 16 - 27 January 2023 (Extended to 3 February 2023) |
日期: | 2023年1月16日至27日 (展期延長至2023年2月3日) |
Venue: | New Asia College Ch'ien Mu Library |
地點: | 新亞書院錢穆圖書館 |
Statement: | Nothing is more certain than uncertainty. Change is the sole eternity, the end of imagination, and the hope of survival. Humans are born to develop and follow habits, which also allows the world to function. Due to the dependence on habits, we prefer much stability in our lives; when faced with fates of uncertainty ranging from genetic mutations, physiological changes, economic fluctuations, political crises to natural disasters, our conventional strategy for self protection is to establish “daily routines”. Life is made up of unpredictability, complexity and vague consciousness, fear and hope would coexist and last forever when humans try to overcome infinite uncertainty with limited cognition. VUCA is an acronym for volatility, uncertainty, complexity, and ambiguity. It is a military term that originated in the 20th century, describing the uncertain, complex and ambiguous world dominated by multilateralism after the end of the Cold War. The term has reminded us to be alert to the new normal of chaos, turmoil and rapid changes, also to ponder ways to adjust mentality and make plans out of despair at the moment when global disasters, ecological crises, political violence, and fierce battles are imminent. The exhibited artworks reflect on the application of VUCA in life from the artistic perspective. Various medium such as painting, installation, sculpture and mixed media are employed to explore randomness, disorder, imaginary war zones, human curiosity towards unknown, loss of semantics, repetition of images and symbols as well as interpretation room for spiritual meanings, and so forth. |
簡介: | 沒有什麼能比不確定更確定。改變,是唯一的永恆,是想像的盡頭,也是生存的希望。習慣是人類的天性,也是世間依靠著運行的變數。歸因於本性對習慣的倚賴,人類喜好安穩;由生物基因到生理的突變乃至生活中的災難和危機,在面對這些命運的奈何而襲來不安時,模式化是自我保護的策略,建立起「日常」。生而為死,生命由無法預測,複雜的萬物之道和模糊的意識堆砌而成。我們能確定的是以有限的認知來應對不確定的無限,箇中恐懼和希望是並存且恆久的。VUCA是volatility(易變性)、uncertainty(不確定性)、complexity(複雜性)、ambiguity(模糊性)的縮寫。VUCA源於20世紀軍事用語, 描述在冷戰結束後由多邊主義主導下不確定、複雜和模棱兩可的世界。這個術語提醒了我們為混亂、動盪和瞬息萬變的新常態擬定生存策略,思考在全球災禍、生態危機、政治暴力和激戰蠢蠢欲動的當下,如何調整心態及策劃走出未知的絕望。是此展覽作品藉藝術創作的視角反思VUCA在生活上的應用,參展者運用繪畫、立體裝置和混合媒介來探討隨機性、失序、人類對未知的好奇、語意的喪失、影像及符號的重覆性和解讀意義的精神空間等。 |
Poster 海報