Renewing items allows you to extend the original loan period for an item already checked out by you. Overdue items may also be renewed. The overdue fine will be charged to your account and can be settled when you come to the Library. Except for items that are on short loan (e.g. course reserves, current journals, Instructional Materials Collection (IMC) and laptops etc.) or being recalled/requested by other library users, all CUHK items with a loan period of 30 days or more will be automatically renewed three days prior to the due date. The new due date is calculated from the date of renewal. You can check your loans online via My Library Record. If an item cannot be automatically renewed, you will receive a library notice in advance and the item must be returned on or before the due date. Unlimited renewals will only apply to CUHK items with a loan period of 30 days or more if the items are not being requested by other library users. Please note once a recalled item is overdue, all items under a user’s account cannot be renewed until the recalled item is returned. For details of borrowing quota and loan period, please visit: http://www.lib.cuhk.edu.hk/en/use/borrowing/borrow.
How to renew an item
Renewal can be done online via My Library Record anytime or in person at the Service Counter. Renewing items online is easy and quick, simply follow the steps below:
- Logon to your “My Library Record” at the Library Homepage;
- Click “LOANS”;
- Click “RENEW ALL” to renew all checked out items.
You may also choose to click on “RENEW” button of the item to be renewed (no “RENEW” button will be shown when renewal is not applicable, e.g. recalled items, etc.) but “RENEW ALL” will be a quicker option for you.
For each successful renewal, the word “RENEWED” will appear together with the new due date. In case not all renewals are successful, a message “Only some loans have been successfully renewed” will appear. A “Circulation Activity Report” will also be sent to user by email on a regular basis. It is a courtesy reminder to remind users of their current loans activity, including any overdue items and/or fines.