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Job Hunting on the Web
Aptitude Tests, Examinations, etc
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Job Hunting on the Web: Aptitude Tests, Examinations, etc
Online Job Databases
Cover Letter, Resume, Interview and Job Seeking Tips
Salary Indexes
Information on Potential Employers
Aptitude Tests, Examinations, etc
Job Hunting Services and Resources in CUHK
Professional Associations
Civil Service Examination
HKSAR Civil Service Examination
Give information on the HKSAR civil service examinations, the administrative arrangement, directions for sitting the examinations, with samples questions.
Common Recruitment Examination (CRE) and Basic Law Test (BLT)
Examination Format
Sample Question: Use of Chinese
Sample Question: Use of English
Sample Question: Aptitude Test
Joint Administrative Officer / Executive Officer / Management Services Officer Recruitment Examination (JRE)
Aptitude Tests, Examinations, etc
Practice Reasoning Tests: Psychometric Test
Practice Reasoning Tests: Aptitude Test
Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority - Other Exams and Assessments - Professional and Vocational Exams
Language Proficiency Assessment for Teachers in Hong Kong
MPF Intermediaries Examination
From Test Publishers, HR Consultancy, etc
SHL Direct for students
Spatial Reasoning Test
British Council - Examinations Services
Educational Testing Service (ETS)
Tests for AP, GRE, iSkills (ICT Literacy Assessment), Major Field Tests, MAPP, PRAXIS, PSAT/NMSQT, SAT, TOEFL, TOEIC, TSE.
GMAT Guide for Online MBAs
International English Language Testing System (IELTS)
Graduate School Entrance
GMAT Guide for Online MBAs
Graduate Mangement Admission Council (GMAC)
Graduate Record Examinations (GRE)
How to study for the MCAT
Net Languages IELTS Preparation Course
(For CUHK students and staff only)
Testing & Education Reference Center
(For CUHK students and staff only)
Job Hunting Services and Resources in CUHK >>