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Introduction to Digital Humanities (DH): Selected DH Projects

Below are some interesting digital humanities projects that are selected to give some hints and insights for humanities researchers. For other detailed examples of GIS projects as well as data visualisation projects, you can visit our Selected Projects page in LibGuides on GIS and Digital Scholarship Research and LibGuides on Data Visualisation and Digital Scholarship Research

Walking Through Sheung Wan


"Walking Through Sheung Wan" ( 走進上環 ) is a Knowledge Transfer Project conducted by Prof. Sidney Cheung from the Chinese University of Hong Kong. His team used a local neighborhood in Sheung Wan as example to demonstrate the possibility of transfer knowledge from community people to visitors for a better understanding of Hong Kong from an anthropological perspective.

A Chronological Study of the Pre-Ts’in Philosophers


"A Chronological Study of the Pre-Ts’in Philosophers" (
先秦諸子繫年) is one of the important works of Chinese historian, Qian Mu. Conducted by Research Center for Digital Humanities, National Taiwan University, this project is to redesign and link the book's internal and external resources with a great amount of reading clues and visualisation tools.

Transcribing The West: Gold Rush & Overland Diaries and Letters, 1849-1877


Transcribing the West is a student-based transcription project conducted by Professor Martha A. Sandweiss from Department of History, Princeton University. The Princeton University Library has started the digitization of 16 gold rush and overland diary and letter collections. Professor Sandweiss has led the undergraduate students to transcribe more than 375 pages of the texts since 2014. The project aims to create keyword search functionality for the digital collection.

Animal City


Animal City is a project led by Andrew Robichaud, a PhD candidate in U.S. History, Stanford University. The project utilizes GIS techniques to visualises the evolution of animal network in San Francisco since 19th century. Through the project, Andrew Robichaud tries to explore the roles of animals playing 19th century cities and their interaction with urban spaces.  

Other Examples

Robots Reading Vogue

Robots Reading Vogue is a joint project by Haas Arts Library and Digital Humanities Lab, Yale University. They have conducted text mining over 400,000 pages of Vogue magazines and performed topic modeling, n-grams, and color analysis.


America's Public Bible

This is a text analysis project launched by Professor Lincoln Mullen, Geroge Mason University, The project investigates trends and frequency in use of biblical quotations in in the nearly 11 million newspaper pages. The data is mined from the Library of Congress’s Chronicling America. collection.


臺灣百年歷史地圖 (Historical maps in 100 Years in Taiwan)

A collection of historical maps in Taiwan which can be overlaid to current Google Map for comparison and illustration. Project developed by Center for GIS, RCHSS, Academia Sinica of Taiwan.