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Hematology: Multimedia

AccessMedicine Multimedia

AccessMedicine Multimedia provides an Exploring Essential Radiology module of imaging interpretation skills in various modalities and anatomical regions.

ASH Image Bank

ASH Image Bank is a image library developed by the American Society of Hematology, provides a comprehensive collection of images relating to blood diseases and hematology topics.


GIBLIB is an online platform providing surgical videos, medical lectures and courses created by leading medical institutions including Mayo Clinic, UCSF, and Cedars Sinai. Its unique features include 360-degree virtual reality videos of surgical procedures featuring surgeon points-of-view and other angles to showcase support provided by the surgical team.



ExpertPath includes over 4,000 topics and 51,000 expert-selected images to provide comprehensive anatomic and clinical pathology decision support.

Hematopathology Index

Hematology Index of the University of Utah is a series of images demonstrating pathologic findings of the peripheral blood, bone marrow, lymph nodes, and spleen.

New England Journal of Medicine

NEJM Videos of Clinical Medicine provides demonstration videos and procedure summaries on a variety of clinical specialties.

MedlinePlus Health Videos

MedlinePlus Health Videos is a collection of animated videos showing the anatomy of body parts and organ systems and how diseases and conditions affect them.