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Midwifery: Multimedia

ObGyn Colelction Multimedia

ObGyn Multimedia consists of videos on the pathophysiology, diagnosis, clinical examination, treatment and surgical procedures of obstetrics and gynecological conditions

ClinicalKey for Nursing

ClinicalKey for Nursing brings the leading resources together in one integrated online service to help nurses efficiently find answers to pressing clinical questions. 

Nursing Assessment in Video

Nursing Assessment in Video provides demonstrations and step-by-step instructions for performing physical assessments of patients for nursing professionals. (Primal Pictures) (Primal Pictures) consists of fully interactive cross-sectional 3D anatomical images that can be explored at different levels.

Nursing Education in Video

Nursing Education in Video is an online collection of videos created specifically for the education and training of nurses, nursing assistants, and other healthcare workers.



ExpertPath includes over 4,000 topics and 51,000 expert-selected images to provide comprehensive anatomic and clinical pathology decision support.