University Gallery

Virtual Tour

Embrace our Culture, Enpower our Future

Through the display of hundreds of precious photographs, artefacts, and multimedia resources, the Gallery exhibits the history, memorable moments and achievements of CUHK in the past 50 years, mirroring the rapid changes of our home city.

Visit Info



University Library main entrance

Admission is free

About the Gallery

Opened on 28 November 2013, the CUHK History Gallery was built with a generous donation from the T S Kwok Foundation. It is vividly designed to show visitors the University's milestones through the decades, explorations and innovations, the Masters and the distinguished scholars, as well as contributions to the community, to the country and the world by generations of CUHK people.

About the Gallery


Graduation Certificate of Professor Yu Ying-shih (1952) The satin (1963) Seal of the Vice-Chancellor (1964) Coat of arms (1967) ‘Asian Hero’ Award from the Time Magazine (2003) Naming Certificate of Asteroid 'Kaokuen' (1996) Naming Certificate of Asteroid 'Kaokuen' (1996) A letter from Ch'ien Mu to Tang Chun-i (1960) Student exchange programme signed up with UC (1965)


  • Closed for Renovation

    The CUHK History Gallery will be closed from 23rd May 2022 for renovation to enhance the contents and visitor experience. A new look will be unveiled in 2023.
    23 May 2022
  • Typhoon & Black Rainstorm Arrangement 1 August 2016
  • Opening Hours

    Opening Hours

    Mon to Fri: 10am - 5pm

    Sat, Sun and Public Holiday: Closed