研究人員講座 (2023年2月至4月)
講座 | 日期及時間 | 地點 | 報名 |
2023年2月1日(星期三) 下午4時至5時 |
線上 | 報名 |
如何使用 ATLAS.ti進行定性數據分析
本研習班將介紹如何使用ATLAS.ti進行定性數據分析。參加者將學習如何使用ATLAS.ti 進行:
2023年2月23日(星期四) 下午3時30分至4時45分 |
線上 | 報名 |
Wiley 及 Hindawi 期刊的開放取用出版
講者: Fabio Di Bello, Customer Success Manager, Wiley 由 2023 年 1 月 1 日起,中大圖書館與 Wiley 簽訂開放取用協議。中大的通訊作者可免費在Wiley及Hindawi期刊發表開放取用文章。這個由 Wiley 提供的在線研討會將涵蓋:
2023年2月28日(星期二) 下午4時至5時 (英語授課) |
線上 | 報名 |
NVivo: A Powerful Tool to Address Your Research Questions (Basic)
講者: 容艷琼博士 This workshop will cover the key concepts on using NVivo for qualitative research. Starting with research questions, participants will gain ideas from making coding to reading abstracts to extending coding in journal articles as an illustration. Alternatively, researchers can make coding based on the conceptual framework that they are working on. Through coding with categories/themes, you may learn to create queries to make initial visualization and analysis from a mix of interviews and survey results. You will learn the process of coding while building an understanding of how evidence can be gathered from the cycle to confirm the existing conceptual framework or build a new model for further analysis. The demonstration will be conducted with the latest version in Windows. 備註:
2023年2月15日(星期三) 上午10時30分至中午12時 (英語授課) |
大學圖書館地下 數碼學術研究室 |
報名 |
NVivo: Strategies to Advance Qualitative Data Analysis (Advanced)
講者: 容艷琼博士 With the latest version of NVivo, the advanced workshop will use research examples to illustrate features and functionalities to allow researchers to use an inductive or deductive approach to sources of data when analysing qualitative data. Coding allows us to formulate a framework or identify sources of evidence with respect to the approaches used. Categories emerge when individual coding is clustered into levels of sub-themes. To address research questions, researchers can further explore relationships between or within cases. The queries function in NVivo allows researchers to retrieve matrix results easily. In addition, NVivo also offers an alternative approach to textual script analysis that provides fresh scope from the sea of data such that this can provide an enlightened scope in addition to existing theories. The demonstration will be conducted with the latest version in Windows. 備註:
2023年4月4日(星期二) 上午10時30分至中午12時 (英語授課) |
大學圖書館地下 數碼學術研究室 |
報名 |
授課語言:除已註明外均為廣東話;但如有需要會改以英語進行。 查詢: 請電郵 research@lib.cuhk.edu.hk |