By CHEUNG Chi Yu (Year 4, English)
I participated in some sports activities at the summer school in Utrecht and joined its cycling and canoeing programme. The Netherlands was known as the country of bikes, so I thought that the cycling event was unmissable. We went through the tranquil woods near the campus and passed through cosy European cottages. Above the meadows, the picturesque hot air balloon adorned the pastel skies, which was dusted into shades of pink and purple as the sun slowly set. After our ride, we were even treated to free drinks at the bar. A week later, the canoeing programme allowed us to see Utrecht from new angles. For instance, I saw the arches of the bridges and the structures beneath while my canoe drifted along the river. The ride was slow enough for me to see every detail: the rusting of nails, the algae on the bricks, and the mysterious markings on places where no human beings ought to be able to reach. The canoeing experience gave me a new perspective that I had no chance to appreciate when I was living my usual quick-paced life.
Chi Yu and her friend in front of the Main Building of Utrecht University
Chi Yu and her coursemates inside the European Parliament
By HUI Ka Lam (Year 2, Chinese Language and Literature)
(Chinese version only)
By HUI Sui Ting Fion (Year 2, Medicine)
Even though the course I enrolled on was difficult, it was still very enjoyable. This was not only because the topic was something I was genuinely interested in, but also because the course really stimulated my thinking and was very different from the ‘spoon-feeding’ courses common in Hong Kong. The excursions made the course even more interesting. There were days when we visited different art or history museums to further our classroom teachings. There was even a day when we travelled to Rotterdam and Leiden, cities outside of Utrecht, to visit the Medical Museum there. I personally think excursions like these are not only fun but can also further reinforce what I learnt in class. This particularly applied to the European art lessons which focused on different art eras that dominated Europe and how paintings were strongly tied to religion, politics, economy and people's way of life in those eras. Even long after the course, I often study carefully the paintings and statues I see, trying to think of the context and understand the deeper meaning of the artworks.
Fion enjoying time with a sheep in Utrecht after a long day of classes
Fion and her friend at the back of a windmill
By MAO Yanqi (Year 2, Risk Management Science)
In addition to the course I attended, a lot of social programmes were offered by the summer school to help us know more about the Netherlands. I went cycling and canoeing with my friends during weekday nights, experiencing the ‘local’ lifestyles, and releasing pressure at the same time. On weekends, we went to a Dutch farm to learn how to make authentic Dutch cheese and visited Kinderdijk to see the typical windmills, the symbol of the Netherlands. We also visited a museum to see the marvellous paintings of Van Gogh, and went cycling in the nearby national park. On the last day of the summer programme after the final exam, my friends and I visited the Dom Tower, which is the highest in the Netherlands. We climbed the 465 steps with a guide, and were rewarded by a fantastic view over Utrecht's iconic canals, wharves and medieval churches. These interesting experiences enriched my life in Utrecht and my knowledge about the Dutch culture.
Yanqi (first from right) and his friends paid a visit to Kinderdijk for the windmills.
Yanqi (right) went canoeing with another international student.