Dean's Message

Dean's Message

Professor Francis K L CHAN
Since its establishment in 1981, the Faculty of Medicine of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) has made impressive strides in nurturing and educating cohorts of new-generation doctors and clinician-scientists to serve the community.
Our SMART curriculum together with our launch of the Global Physician-Leadership Stream (GPS) in 2013 reflect the responsiveness of the Faculty of Medicine to prepare our graduates to see and to open up opportunities in the medical and healthcare fields, and to meet challenges of practising medicine in the 21st Century.
Our teaching staff is composed of highly dedicated individuals, who encourage students to challenge themselves to widen their comfort zone and to value inquiry and active collaborative learning style. Doors are always open for students to voice their opinions. Working hand in hand, students and teachers shape their mutual learning experiences in a big and extended family – a family characterized by love, care, support and fun.
The Faculty’s research and innovation leadership such as being a pioneer in endoscopic robotic surgery and investing in cutting-edge research in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine, provides ample opportunities for students to nurture their interests and to explore the potential to pursue careers as clinician-scientists.
I invite you to browse this website to find a career path to which you aspire. No worthy journey comes easy. Mother Teresa said, “Yesterday is gone. Tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today.” I urge you to work hard from today. If a fulfilling career path is revealed to you, follow it with all your passion.
Wishing you good luck in examinations and interviews.
I look forward to meeting you in the campus of CUHK.
Professor Francis K L CHAN
Dean, Faculty of Medicine