Anniversary Committee

Anniversary Committee
Associate Dean (External Affairs)
Director, School of Biomedical Science
Pro-Vice-Chancellor/ Vice-President
Administrative Officer, The Jockey Club School of Public Health and Primary Care
Clinical Professor (honorary), Faculty of Medicine and Alumni Representative
Assistant Dean (Health Systems)
Lecturer, School of Chinese Medicine
Medical Student Representative
Assistant Dean (Alumni Affairs),
Professor, The Nethersole School of Nursing
Medical Student Representative
Associate Dean (Alumni Affairs)
Faculty Secretary and Director of Planning, Faculty and Planning Office
Assistant Dean (Student Development), Professor, School of Pharmacy
Associate Dean (External Affairs)
Medical Student Representative
Assistant Dean (External Affairs)
Medical Student Representative
Convenor, CUHK Medical Alumni Buddy Group
Medical Student Representative
Associate Dean (Alumni Affairs)
Associate Dean (Student Affairs)
Clinical Assistant Professor (honorary), Department of Surgery
and Alumni Representative
Medical Student Representative
Medical Student Representative
Medical Student Representative
Associate Dean (External Affairs)
Clinical Professor (honorary), Faculty of Medicine and Alumni Representative
Clinical Associate Professor (honorary), Department of Ophthalmology and Visual Sciences and Alumni Representative
CEO and Chairman, Shun Hing Group
Vice President and Chief Investment Officer, Winner Medical Group
Clinical Assistant Professor (honorary), Department of Surgery and Alumni Representative
Assistant Dean (Alumni Affairs)
Assistant Dean (Mainland Affairs)
Clinical Professor (honorary), Faculty of Medicine and Alumni Representative
Associate Dean (Alumni Affairs)
Hospital Chief Executive, Alice Ho Miu Ling Nethersole Hospital and Tai Po Hospital
Assistant Dean (Learning Experience)
Faculty Secretary and Director of Planning, Faculty and Planning Office
Assistant Dean (External Affairs)
Associate Dean (External Affairs), Convenor
Head of Institute for Translational Research, Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation
Associate Dean (Research)
Chairman, Department of Clinical Oncology
Associate Dean (Health Systems)
Faculty and Planning Office
Faculty and Planning Office
Faculty and Planning Office
Faculty and Planning Office