A Gateway to Global Opportunities

A Gateway to Global Opportunities
Over 90% of CUHK Medical Students completed their clinical electives in overseas attachments. They could also take part in summer sessions, visiting or exchange programmes at elite universities around the world. We encourage students to gain exposure in overseas clinical practices and culture by completing their clinical elective abroad or studying an entire year with an exchange partner.
Clinical Elective
Most medical students take advantage of the Clinical Elective, held in the summer of Year 5, to study abroad for 4-6 weeks. In 2017/18, 93% of our students travelled to 24 countries to complete their elective, while 7% elected to remain in Hong Kong. From touring wards in Sri Lanka to performing advanced imaging work at Harvard or study developmental economics at Oxford, clinical electives give students a life-changing opportunity to deepen their knowledge while immersed in a new culture.

Term-Time Exchange Programmes
CUHK has a long tradition of promoting term-time exchange programmes with overseas partners to give some international exposure to our students. The University offers exchange options with a network of 280 exchange partners, and many medical students have spent a year at leading medical schools in Europe and the United States as part of their programme.

Abroad for Community Service
Students keen to engage in community services abroad can join initiatives in remote areas to deliver health advice to isolated populations.