CUHK Held the First Gerald Choa Memorial Lecture to Commemorate the Founding Dean of Medical Faculty
The first Gerald Choa Memorial Lecture (Video)
2013 marks the 50th anniversary of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). The establishment of the Faculty of Medicine in 1981 is one of the major milestones of the University’s development and the late Prof. Gerald Choa, the founder and founding Dean, was the key contributor. To pay tribute to Professor Choa’s immense contribution to the medical development in Hong Kong, CUHK held the first ‘Gerald Choa Memorial Lecture’ yesterday (11 September), delivered by Prof. the Honourable Arthur K.C. Li, Member of the Executive Council of HKSAR and Emeritus Professor of Surgery of CUHK. The inauguration ceremony of the Gerald Choa Memorial Fund was also held on the same day, officiated by Prof. Joseph J.Y. SUNG, Vice-Chancellor and President, CUHK; Prof. the Honourable Arthur K.C. LI; Mrs. Peggy CHOA; Mrs Helen LEE; Prof. Sir David TODD; Prof. Richard YU; Prof. T.F. FOK, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, CUHK and Prof. Francis K.L. CHAN, Dean of Medicine, CUHK. Over 200 participants, including leaders in business and education sectors, government officials, medical alumni and friends of the University attended the event.
Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK said, ‘Prof. Choa is a prominent medical practitioner, educationist, administrator and historian who was deeply devoted to enhancing medical and healthcare services in Hong Kong. The Gerald Choa Memorial Lecture is set up in remembrance of Professor Choa’s monumental contributions to the Faculty of Medicine, and to serve as a platform for knowledge exchange and foster relationships. An influential social leader will be invited each year to share his/her professional knowledge and personal insights.’

Prof. Joseph J.Y. Sung, Vice-Chancellor and President of CUHK, The Gerald Choa Memorial Lecture is set up in remembrance of Professor Choa’s monumental contributions to the Faculty of Medicine.

Prof. the Honourable Arthur K.C. Li, Member of the Executive Council of HKSAR and Emeritus Professor of Surgery of CUHK, gave a lecture titled ‘Professor Gerald Choa – His Legacy’ in the first ‘Gerald Choa Memorial Lecture’.
In the first ‘Gerald Choa Memorial Lecture’ titled ‘Professor Gerald Choa – His Legacy’, Prof. the Honourable Arthur Li narrated the early days of CUHK Medical Faculty under the vision and leadership of the late Professor Choa.
To pass down the legacy of leadership and professionalism of Professor Choa, CUHK has set up the ‘Gerald Choa Memorial Fund’ to support various academic initiatives of the Medical Faculty, including scholarships, teaching facilities, programme development as well as the annual Gerald Choa Memorial Lecture.
Prof. Francis K. L. Chan, Dean of Faculty of Medicine and an MBChB graduate of CUHK said, ‘We hope our students would carry on the professional spirit of Professor Choa. Apart from imparting required medical knowledge and skills, we strive to inculcate in our medical students professionalism, social responsibility and ethical standards expected of a compassionate, respectable and trustworthy doctor. To prepare medical graduates to serve society of today and tomorrow, we empower our students to expand their horizons, be reflective learners, capable of developing fresh perspectives through integration of knowledge from different disciplines.’

(From left) Prof. Francis K.L. CHAN, Dean of Medicine, CUHK; Prof. Richard YU; Prof. the Honourable Arthur K.C. LI, Member of the Executive Council of HKSAR and Emeritus Professor of Surgery of CUHK; Mrs Helen LEE; Mrs. Peggy CHOA; Prof. Sir David TODD; Prof. Joseph J.Y. SUNG, Vice-Chancellor and President, CUHK and Prof. T.F. FOK, Pro-Vice-Chancellor, CUHK officiated the inauguration ceremony of the Gerald Choa Memorial Fund.
Profile of Prof. Gerald Choa
Prof. Gerald Choa joined CUHK in 1976. He was the founding Dean of the Faculty of Medicine and Chair Professor of Administrative Medicine. Professor Choa played a key role in all facets of the planning of the Faculty, including the teaching hospital, the curriculum, and the recruitment of senior teaching, service and research staff. He served as the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University from 1979 to 1981.
Professor Choa received his MBBS and MD degrees from the University of Hong Kong, and was Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of London (FRCP London), Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Edinburgh (FRCP Edinburgh) and Fellow of the Faculty of Community Medicine (FFCM). He was Lecturer in Medicine at the University of Hong Kong from 1952 to 1956 and Part-time Lecturer and Examiner in Medicine from 1956 to 1967. In 1956, he made a career change by joining the Hong Kong Medical and Health Services Department, serving as Specialist of Medicine (1956-1962) and then as Senior Specialist of Medicine (1962-67) at the Queen Mary Hospital. In 1967, he was appointed Deputy Director (Medical Division) of the Department and in 1970 became the Director of Medical and Health Services, a post he held until he joined the Chinese University in 1976.