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Directors of Schools

Directors of Schools


  • 醫學院助理院長 (教育)
  • 那打素護理學院副院長 (教育)
  • 雅麗氏何妙齡那打素慈善基金會護理學教授

BSN (University of Missouri), MPhil in Nursing (CUHK), PhD in Nursing (King's College London), FAAN



  • 癌症及紓緩治療研究




  • 美國護理科學院院士
  • 香港護理專科學院院士
  • 香港護理專科學院院士傑出貢獻獎, 2016
  • 中大醫學院那打素護理學院傑出校友獎, 2016
  • 中大博文教學獎, 2016
  • 國際護理榮譽學會傑出研究獎, 2014
  • 中大醫學院傑出老師獎, 1999-2000, 2007-2008, 2008-2009, 2009-2010


  • 香港護士管理局成員
  • 香港護理專科學院-香港護理教育及科研學院創院委員及理事會成員
  • 國際癌症護理協會知識發展及傳播委員會成員
  • 香港善終服務護士會榮譽顧問
  • 香港賽馬會安寧頌教育委員組專家成員
  • 香港教資會健康科學研究評審成員



  • 那打素護理學院課程委員會主席
  • 那打素護理學院本科生學部主管
  • 那打素護理學院評審委員會主席
  • 學系人事委員會成員
部分論文 (只有英文版本)


Researcher ID: A-4480-2015

ORCID iD: 0000-0003-0696-2369


  1. Chan, C. W. H, Chow, M. C. M., Chan, S., Sanson‐Fisher, R., Waller, A., Lai, T. T. K., & Kwan, C. W. M. (2020). Nurses’ perceptions of and barriers to the optimal end of life care in hospitals: A cross‐sectional study. Journal of Clinical Nursing, 29(7-8), 1209-1219.
  2. Chan, C. W. H., Law, B. M. H., So, W. K. W., Chow, K. M., & Waye, M. M. Y. (2020). Pharmacogenomics of breast cancer: highlighting CYP2D6 and tamoxifen. Journal of Cancer Research and Clinical Oncology, 146,1395–1404
  3. Xiao, J., Chow, K. M., Chan, C. W. H., Li, M., & Deng, Y. (2020). Qualitative study on perceived dignity of cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy in China. Supportive Care in Cancer, 28, 2921–2929.
  4. Chan, C. W. H., Choi, K. C., Chan, H. Y. L., Wong, M. M. H., Ling, G. C. C., Chow, K. M., Chow, A. Y. M., Lo, R., & Sham, M. M. K. (2019). Unfolding and displaying the influencing factors of advance directives from the stakeholder’s perspective: A concept mapping approach. Journal of Advanced Nursing, 75 (7), 1549-1562.
  5. Chan, C. W. H., Ng, N. H. Y., Chan, H. Y. L., Wong M. M. H., & Chow, K. M. (2019). A systematic review to evaluate the effectiveness of advance care planning facilitator training program for healthcare professionals. BMC Health Services Research. 19, 362.  
  6. Chan, C. W. H., Wong, M. M. H., Choi, K. C., Chan, H. Y. L., Chow, A. Y. M., Lo, R. S. K., & Sham, M. M. K. (2019). Prevalence, perception, and predictors of advance directives among Hong Kong Chinese: A population-based survey. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 16 (3), 365-381. doi: 10.3390/ijerph16030365.
  7. Chan, C. W. H., Law, B. M. H., Waye, M. M. Y., Chan, J. Y. W., So, W. K. W., Chow, K. M. (2019). Trimethylamine-N-oxide as One Hypothetical ink for the Relationship between Intestinal Microbiota and Cancer – Where We Are and Where Shall We Go? Journal of Cancer, 10(23), 5874-5882.
  8. Chow, K. M., Chan, C. W. H., Leung, A. W. Y., Wong, M. M. H., & Choi, K. C. (2019). Relationship between body image and health-related quality of life in Chinese cancer survivors during the transitional cancer survivorship. Psycho-oncology, 28 (2), 324-32 doi: 10.1002/pon.4943.
  9. Chan, Y. L., Lee D. T. F., Chan, C. W. H., & Ko, P. S. (2018). Effects of a nurse-led post-discharge advance care planning programme for community-dwelling patients nearing the end of life and their family members: A randomised controlled trial. International Journal of Nursing Studies. 87, 26-33.
  10. Chan, C. W. H., Law, B. M. H., So, W. K. W., Chow, K. M., & Waye, M. M. Y. (2017). Novel strategies on personalized medicine for breast cancer treatment: An update. International journal of molecular sciences, 18(11), 2423