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Financing Your Studies

Student Residence Bursary Scheme

Student Residence Bursary Scheme provides hostel grant to help those needy local undergraduate students who are not able to benefit substantially from the government hostel subsidy.

To be eligible to apply for the CUHK Student Residence Bursary, applicants must:

  • be local full-time undergraduate students;
  • be registered residents of the hostel and have resided in hostel for at least 75% of the time of the term (based on the availability of the hostels for students);
  • have average monthly household income lower than the median of the monthly household income published in the most recent Quarterly Report on General Household Survey by the Census and Statistics Department (Please refer to the Guidelines for the monthly household income bandings); and
  • be not able to benefit or receive very limited subsidy from the government hostel subsidy.

The Scheme is normally open for applications in September.