Lim, Ben Hong-beng(林宏明)
BBA (UW-Madison); MS (U of Iowa); PhD (U of Iowa)

Assistant Professor (Actuarial Science)
Contact Room 1054, 10/FCheng Yu Tung Building
12 Chak Cheung Street
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
+852 3943 7757
Prof. Ben Lim joined The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School in 2022 as an Assistant Professor of Finance. His research interests mainly lie in the intersection between statistics/machine learning and actuarial science. His research has focused on life settlements, and he is currently interested in the actuarial applications of neural network methods. He is also an Associate of the Society of Actuaries.
Teaching Areas
Actuarial Science
Research Interests
Interface of Statistics/Machine Learning with Actuarial Science
Life Settlements
Mortality Forecasting
Actuarial Applications of Neural Networks
- Publications & Working Papers
- Hong Beng Lim and N.D. Shyamalkumar (2022), “Incorporating industry mortality table stylized facts into a company-specific mortality analysis: Neural networks with monotonicity constraints“.
- Hong Beng Lim and N.D. Shyamalkumar (2022), “Evaluating medical underwriters in life settlements: problem of unreported deaths,” North American Actuarial Journal, 26(2), 298-322.
- Hong Beng Lim and N.D. Shyamalkumar (2021), “A semiparametric method for assessing life expectancy evaluations,” North American Actuarial Journal, 25(3), 360-394.
- Dale Zimmerman and Hong Beng Lim (2021), “The middle-seed anomaly: Why does it occur in some sports tournaments but not others?” Journal of Quantitative Analysis in Sports, 17(3), 171-185.
- Awards & Honours
- Taylor Award for Actuarial Stochastics, The University of Iowa, 2019 & 2022
- Ballad & Seashore Dissertation Fellowship, The University of Iowa, 2022
- Hickman Scholarship, Society of Actuaries, 2020-2022
- Henry L. Rietz (Outstanding PhD Comprehensive Exams) Award, The University of Iowa, 2019
- Graduate College Post-Comprehensive Research Fellowship, The University of Iowa, 2019
- Honorable Mention: Allen T. Craig (Outstanding TA) Award, The University of Iowa, 2018
- Bicknell Scholarship, UW-Madison, 2016
- Academic/Professional Services
- President, Statistics Student Organization, The University of Iowa, 2020-2022