Zhou, Sean Xiang(周翔)
BS (Zhejiang U); MOR, PhD (North Carolina State)

Chairperson, Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics
Director, Centre for Supply Chain Management
Director, Centre for Supply Chain Integration and Service Innovation, Shenzhen
Cheng Yu Tung Building
12 Chak Cheung Street
Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong
+852 3943 7812
Prof. Sean Zhou is currently a Professor and the Chairperson in Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics, The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) Business School. He is also the Director of the Supply Chain Research Centre under the Asian Institute of Supply Chain and Logistics in CUHK. Prior to joining the Business School, he was a faculty member at Department of Systems Engineering and Engineering Management, CUHK. He received his BS in Electrical Engineering from Zhejiang University, China in 2001 and his MS and PhD in Operations Research from North Carolina State University in 2002 and 2006, respectively. His main research area is supply chain management with particular interests in inventory control, production planning, dynamic pricing, and game theoretic applications. He serves on the editorial board of IIE Transactions and OR Letters.
Teaching Areas
Operations and Supply Chain Management
Decision Analysis
Stochastic Models and Applications
Research Interests
Supply Chain Management
Inventory Control
Production Planning
Dynamic Pricing
Game Theoretic Applications
- Publications & Working Papers
- Q. Yin, C.W. Kuo, K.L. Huang, and S.X. Zhou (2021), “Add-on pricing in a distribution channel,” Productions and Operations Management, accepted.
- C. Yang, L. Guo, and S.X. Zhou (2021), “Consumer satisfaction, advertising competition, and platform performance,” Productions and Operations Management, accepted.
- J. Wu, Z. Zhang, and S.X. Zhou (2021), “Credit rating prediction through supply chains: a machine learning approach,” Productions and Operations Management, accepted.
- Q. Jin, J.Y. Lin, and S.X. Zhou (2021), “Price discounts and personalized product assortment: a robust approach,” IISE Transactions, 53(4), 453-471.
- C. Yang, Z. Hu, and S.X. Zhou (2021), “Multilocation newsvendor problem: centralization and inventory pooling,” Management Science, 67(1), 185-200.
- Y. Wang, S. Zhang, S.X. Zhou and Y. Zhang (2020), “Anticipated rationing policy for inventory systems with two demand classes and backlogging costs,” International Journal of Production Research, 58(20), 6300-6314.
- Y. Xiao and S.X. Zhou (2020), “Trade-in for cash or for upgrade? dynamic pricing with customer choice,” Productions and Operations Management, 29(4), 856-881.
- Y. Jin, Q. Hu, S. Kim, and S.X. Zhou (2019), “Supplier development and integration in competitive supply chains,” Productions and Operations Management, 28(5), 1256-1271.
- J.Y. Lin, S.X. Zhou and F. Gao (2019), “Production and technology choice under emissions regulation: centralized vs decentralized supply chains,” IISE Transactions, 51(1), 57-73.
- X. Chao, X. Gong, C. Shi, C. Yang, H. Zhang, and S.X. Zhou (2018), “Approximation algorithms for capacitated perishable inventory systems with positive lead times,” Management Science, 64(11), 5038-5061.
- K. Zhang, C.S. Tang, and S.X. Zhou (2017), “Replenishment Strategies for Micro-Retailers in Developing Countries,” Production and Operations Management, 26(12), 2207-2225.
- T. Wang, X. Gong, and S.X. Zhou (2017), “Dynamic inventory management with total minimum order commitments and two supply options,” Operations Research, 65(5), 1285–1302.
- X. Yan, X. Chao, Y. Lu, and S.X. Zhou (2017), “Optimal policies for selling new and remanufactured products,” Production and Operations Management, 26(9), 1746-1759.
- W. Zhou, W. Huang, and S.X. Zhou (2017), “Energy performance contracting in a competitive environment,” Decision Sciences, 48(4), 723-765.
- S.X. Zhou and C. Yang (2016), “Continuous-review (r, nQ) policies for inventory systems with dual delivery modes,” Operations Research, 64(6), 1302-1319.
- S.X. Zhou, Z. Tao, N.B. Zhang, and G. Cai (2016), “Reverse auction procurement with flexible noncompetitive contracts,” Decision Sciences, 47(3), 554-581.
- D. Yao, S.X. Zhou, and W. Zhuang (2016), “Joint initial stocking and transshipment-asymptotics and bounds,” Productions and Operations Management, 25(2), 273-289.
- C.S. Tang, K. Zhang, and S.X. Zhou (2015), “Incentive contracts for managing a project with uncertain completion time,” Productions and Operations Management, 24(12), 1945-1954.
- K.H. Shang, Z. Tao, and S.X. Zhou (2015), “Optimising reorder intervals for two-echelon distributions systems with stochastic demand,” Operations Research, 63(2), 458-475.
- S.X. Zhou and X. Chao (2014), “Dynamic pricing and inventory management with regular and expedited supplies,” Productions and Operations Management, 23(1), 65-80.
- Z. Tao and S.X. Zhou (2014), “Approximation balancing policies for inventory systems with remanufacturing,” Mathematics of Operations Research, 39(4), 1179-1197.
- X. Gong and S.X. Zhou (2013), “Optimal production planning with emissions trading,” Operations Research, 61(4), 908-924.
- Q. Fu, S.X. Zhou, X. Chao, and C.Y. Lee (2012), “Combined Pricing and Portfolio Option Procurement,” Productions and Operations Management, 21(2), 361-377.
- Y. Dai, S.X. Zhou, and Y. Xu (2012), “Competitive and collaborative product quality and warranty management“, Productions and Operations Management, 21(1), 129-144.
- G. Cai, Y. Dai, and S.X. Zhou (2012), “Exclusive channels and revenue sharing in a complementary goods market,” Marketing Science, 31(1), 172-187.
- Z. Tao, S.X. Zhou, and C. Tang (2012), “Managing a remanufacturing system with random yield: properties, observations and heuristic,” Productions and Operations Management, 21(4), 797-813.
- C. Tang and S.X. Zhou (2012), “Research advances in environmentally and socially sustainable operations,” European Journal of Operational Research, 223, 585-594.
- X. Chen and S.X. Zhou (2011), “Integration of inventory and pricing decisions with costly price adjustment,” Operations Research, 59(5), 1144-1158.
- S.X. Zhou, Z. Tao, and X. Chao (2011), “Optimal control of inventory systems with multiple types of remanufacturable products,” M&SOM, 13, 20-34.
- S.X. Zhou and Y. Yu (2011), “Optimal product acquisition, pricing and inventory management for systems with remanufacturing,” Operations Research, 59(2), 514-521.
- K.H. Shang, S.X. Zhou, and G. J. Van Houtum (2010), “Improving supply chain performance: real-time demand information and flexible deliveries,” M&SOM, 12, 430-448.
- S.X. Zhou and X.Chao (2010), “Newsvendor bounds and heuristics for serial supply chains with regular and expedited shipping,” Naval Research Logistics, 57, 71-87.
- K.H. Shang and S.X. Zhou (2010), “Optimal and heuristic echelon (r, nQ, T) policies in serial inventory systems with fixed costs,” Operations Research, 58, 414-427.
- X. Chen, Y. Zhang, and S.X. Zhou (2010), “Preservation of quasi-K-concavity and its application to joint inventory-pricing models with concave ordering costs,” Operations Research, 58, 1012-1016.
- K.H. Shang and S.X. Zhou (2009), “A simple heuristic for echelon (r,nQ,T) policies in serial supply chains,” Operations Research Letters, 37, 433-437.
- X. Chao and S.X. Zhou (2009), “Optimal policy for a multi-echelon inventory system with batch ordering and fixed replenishment intervals,” Operations Research, 57, 377-390.
- S.X. Zhou, X. Chao, C. Y. Lee (2009), “Optimal transportation policies for production/inventory systems with an unreliable and a reliable carrier,” Journal of Global Optimisation, 44, 251-271.
- X. Chao and S.X. Zhou (2007), “Probabilistic solution and bounds for serial inventory system with discounted and average cost,” Naval Research Logistics, 54, 623-631.
- X. Chao and S.X. Zhou (2006), “Joint inventory and pricing strategy for a stochastic continuous-review system,” IIE Transactions, 38, 401-408.