Call for Applications: CUHK-University of Manchester Research Fund – Seed-corn Fund for Early Career Researchers 2021 (Deadline: 25 October 2021)

CUHK and The University of Manchester (UoM) share a common vision to expand the frontiers of knowledge and contribute to the betterment of societies. To capitalise on the research strengths of both universities and to create greater impact, a Seed-corn Fund scheme and a Strategic Research Fund scheme were established to build and strengthen research collaboration between the two universities. A list of the projects supported in previous calls can be found on the webpage.

The current call invites applications for the Seed-corn Fund. The overall aim of the fund is to seed partnership development between the two universities by providing initial support for high-quality research collaborations that include Early Career Researchers (ECRs). Funding is available for researchers at both universities to develop new partnerships that will lead to long-term collaborative research projects that can access external funding sources for the next phase of their research.

The fund is open for proposals across all research areas. Up to three projects will be supported in this call with a maximum award of £10,000 per project. Proposals may include targeted research support such as joint workshops, researcher exchanges, experiments, data collection, research seminars/presentations and the formation or development of a collaborative network. All proposals should include ECRs as active members of the research team and potentially as a Co-PI. At CUHK, academic staff members who are Assistant Professors or below will be considered as ECRs in this scheme.

Please refer to the webpage at for the programme details, guidelines and online application form. The application deadline is Monday, 25 October 2021.

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