Call for applications: The University of Sydney – Sydney China Visitors Program
The University of Sydney (USyd) is inviting applications to the Sydney China Visitors Program which provides academics the opportunities to visit USyd to conduct collaborative research in Chinese Studies.
CUHK eNews (Oct 2022) is available online
The latest issue of CUHK eNews is now available. It provides the latest updates about the University to international partners, featuring its research and teaching achievements, ongoing developments, student accomplishments and key events.
Call for Applications: National Technology Enhanced Learning Conference 2022 hosted by Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD)
The National Technology Enhanced Learning conference was inaugurated by Ministry of Education (MOE), Singapore and first held at Nanyang Technological University (NTU) in 2015, followed by National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2017, and Singapore Management University (SMU) in 2019. SUTD is the host for NTEL 2022 which will be a hybrid conference held from […]
Call for Applications: ACU Early Career Researcher Training Grants & Early Career Conference Grants 2023
The Association of Commonwealth Universities (ACU) is calling for applications for the Early Career Researcher Training Grants and the Early Career Conference Grants.
Call for Applications: St. Gallen Symposium Global Leadership Challenge & Global Essay Competition
The 52nd St. Gallen Symposium hosted by the University of St. Gallen, Switzerland is now calling for applications for its Global Leadership Challenge and Global Essay Competition.
‘GlobaLinks’ (Sep 2022) is available online
The latest issue of OAL e-newsletter ‘GlobaLinks’ is now available.
Call for Applications: Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton for 2023–24
The Institute for Advanced Study (IAS), Princeton is an independent private institution founded in 1930 to create a community of scholars focused on intellectual inquiry, free from teaching and other university obligations.
Call for Applications: CUHK-Stanford University CASBS Partner Fellowship Program 2023-24 (Deadline: 4 November 2022)
The CUHK-Stanford University CASBS Partner Fellowship Program is now inviting applications for 2023-24 (Official visit period: September 2023-May 2024).