Turning challenges into opportunities: On exchange during a pandemic
Although his exchange at CUHK is impacted by COVID-19, William takes the opportunity to explore the rural side of Hong Kong during such a special time.
The COVID-19 pandemic has brought heavy disruptions to travel and mobility worldwide. Students on exchange in 2020 are among one of the most affected groups. William Sekkingstad, a sociology student from the University of Bergen, Norway who was on exchange at CUHK in Term 2 this year recounts his unusual yet fruitful semester.
‘Even though my time at CUHK has been marked by the coronavirus, the impact has been lessened by the empathy and care shown by the staff and my fellow students. Professors have been patient and understanding, and some even offered to supply me with masks as they were worried that we wouldn’t be able to get hold of any. And even though the classes have all been moved to Zoom, the quality of the teaching has been superb. I’m very impressed by how well the University has handled everything. The beautiful campus has been a dream to explore and spend time in, and I can only imagine how terrific it must be in a non-pandemic semester.’
Going on exchange is about gaining new experiences and perspectives. By turning challenges into opportunities, this cohort of exchange students, like William (left), are able to create a once-in-a-lifetime experience of their own.