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International Joint Supervision of PhD Students Scheme
Bidding for Provost’s Strategic Allocation of Centrally-funded RPg Places for 2023–24 Admission

(For CUHK Faculty Members)

Deadline: 17 February 2023, Friday

Internationalisation is a key priority in the University’s pursuit of research excellence. Research output from international collaboration tends to yield higher citation and greater impact. As part of CUHK’s internationalisation strategy underlined in the Strategic Plan (CUHK 2025), the University must enhance its global engagement to improve output, increase visibility, and demonstrate impact in order to stay competitive. This will in turn strengthen CUHK’s reputation and reinforce its position as a world-class university.

Joint supervision of PhD students is one of the most effective and efficient tools to drive and foster international research collaboration, in addition to bringing a highly valued learning opportunity to students. To encourage faculty members to engage in joint supervision of PhD students with their international peers, 15 PhD places have been earmarked for competitive bidding under the Provost’s Strategic Allocation of Centrally-funded Research Postgraduate (RPg) places for 2023–24 admission. Under which, the PhD students would be required to undertake research attachments of at least six months with the host supervisors at the partner institutions to support the joint research between their CUHK supervisors and their collaborators abroad.


Partners & Strategic Areas for Collaboration

The current round of bidding supports collaborative research projects with priority partners primarily in the four strategic research areas identified in CUHK 2025, which are China: Tradition and Modernity; Innovative Biomedicine; Information and Automation Technology; and Environment and Sustainability. Projects which do not fall within the four areas may also be considered.

The priority partners for the current round of application include: 

  • National University of Singapore, Singapore
  • The University of Auckland, New Zealand
  • The University of Chicago, USA
  • The University of Manchester, UK
  • The University of Queensland, Australia
  • The University of Sydney, Australia
  • University College London, UK
  • University of California, Los Angeles, USA
  • University of California, San Diego, USA
  • University of Exeter, UK
  • University of Toronto, Canada
  • Utrecht University, the Netherlands
  • Others (with justifications)

While the current round of application will focus on the priority partners listed above, strong applications to work with other top-tier institutions1 will also be considered.


Programme Guidelines and Forms

Applicants can access the guidelines for applicants, application form and supervision report form from the following links:



For enquiries, please contact Ms. Olivia Kwok, Office of Academic Links, on 3943-1315 or at oliviakwok@cuhk.edu.hk.



CUHK Faculty Collaborator Project Title
Prof. Man Nin Chan, Earth System Science Programme Prof. Arthur Chan, Dept. of Chemical Engineering & Applied Chemistry, University of Toronto Characterising the Abundance & Composition of Airborne Nanoplastic Particles
Prof. Kwong Wai Richard Choy, Dept. of Obstetrics & Gynaecology Prof. Cynthia Morton, Division of Human Communication, Development & Hearing, The University of Manchester Identifying the Missing Heritability by WGS in SEQaBoo
Prof. Wang Leung Thomas Chung, School of Architecture Prof. Edward Denison, The Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London Developing a Multi-level Conservation Framework for Sustainable Eco-living: The Sha Lo Tung Cultural Landscape Project
Prof. Yi Ping Megan Ho, Dept. of Biomedical Engineering Prof. Ken Tye Yong, School of Biomedical Engineering, The University of Sydney Plasmonic Droplet Screening for Single-cell Analysis
Prof. Liwen Jiang, School of Life Sciences Prof. David Drubin, Dept. of Molecular & Cell Biology, University of California, Berkeley Institute of Integrative Biology
Prof. Ho Owen Ko, Dept. of Medicine & Therapeutics Dr. Florencia Iacaruso, The Francis Crick Institute Interrogating Age-related Neuronal Dynamic Changes in a Key Brainstem Neural Circuit
Prof. Ching Wan Ronald Ma, Dept. of Medicine & Therapeutics Dr. Richard Oram, College of Medicine & Health, University of Exeter Pathway-specific Polygenic Risk Scores for Precision Medicine in Diabetes
Prof. Victor Junnan Pan, Dept. of Linguistics & Modern Languages Prof. Roberta D’Alessandro, Utrecht Institute of Linguistics, Utrecht University A Comparative Investigation on the Micro & Macro-contact of Wu Dialects in China & Europe
Prof. Jianfang Wang, Dept. of Physics Prof. Feng Wang, Dept. of Chemical Engineering, University College London In Situ Probing Photocatalytic Nitrogen Fixation
Prof. Li Zhang, Dept. of Mechanical & Automation Engineering Prof. Joseph Sung, Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Nanyang Technological University Microrobotic Platform for Biofilms Eradication & Clinical Applications


1. For example, those falling within the top 50 of the QS and Times Higher Education World University Rankings.

Last updated in December 2022