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WUN Research


WUN supports a wide spectrum of research activities and encourages research of an interdisciplinary nature. In particular, the Network fosters collaboration in four key areas identified as the Global Challenges. It also promotes researchers mobility for the purposes of advancing their knowledge and skills, and expanding their international networks for future academic success, which is particularly relevant to early and mid-career academics.

CUHK is involved in over 30 research collaborations in partnerships with WUN member universities, working together to address some of the most pressing issues the world currently faces.


WUN Global Challenges

This Global Challenge provides a future-oriented global network that focuses on addressing the most urgent challenges related to improving the value of higher education to individuals, communities, nations, and the world—all in the context of a global commitment to sustainable development.

This Global Challenge explores solutions to socioeconomic, cultural, biological, physical and social, environmental, and behavioral challenges and issues related to health across the life-course.

This Global Challenge addresses the catalysts, causes, and consequences of climate change. Current research priorities include clean and affordable food, clean and affordable energy, and human response and adaption.

The research agenda of this Global Challenge is on decolonization (as an overarching theme of sustainable development) with migration, mobility, and displacement, as well as heritage being primary focuses. The group attempts to better understand the issues of continuing racial, economic, and structural inequities that are inherent in the colonizing history of the world.


Research Highlights

WUN-CUHK Projects

Under the auspices of WUN, CUHK has over the years collaborated with WUN member universities in over 70 research projects, including 18 projects led by CUHK members:

Project CUHK PI
Adopting REDD+ for Conservation, Sustainable Community Livelihood & Climate Change Mitigation Prof. Lawal M. Marafa, Dept of Geography & Resource Management
Analyzing the Role of Urban Forms in Making Sustainable, Healthy Cities  (completed) Prof. Hendrik Tieben, School of Architecture
Controls of Mercury Toxicity by Subtropical and Tropical Mangrove Ecosystems Prof. Martin Tsui, School of Life Sciences
Development & Evaluation of a Mesh WiFi-based In-Home Health Monitoring System for Older Adults Prof. He Chen, Dept of Information Engineering
Development of a Modified ddPCR Assay for Highly Accurate & Sensitive Detection of SARS-Cov-2 RNA for Screening of Infected Individuals & Environmental Monitoring (completed) Prof. Yangchao Chen, School of Biomedical Sciences
Health & Social Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Young People across the Socioeconomic Ladder: A Cross-Country Comparative Study Prof. Hung Wong & Prof. Roger Chung, CUHK Institute of Health Equity
Impacts of Future Climate & Land Use Changes on Air Quality & Food Security: Implications for Sustainable Land Management in Southeast Asia & Africa (completed) Prof. Amos Tai, Earth System Science Programme
Impacts of Grain Legume R&D in Developing Countries (completed) Prof. Hon-ming Lam, SKL of Agrobiotechnology (CUHK)
Integrating Health & Social Care Services to Tackle Asia’s Ageing Population & Rise in Chronic & Multi- Morbidity: Global Developments & Lessons  (completed) Prof. Benjamin H.K. Yip, JC School of Public Health & Primary Care
Investigating Global Warming & Future Urbanization Impacts on Heat Stress in Lagos, Nigeria & the Greater Bay Area, China Megacities—A Multi-Scale Modeling Approach Prof. Francis Tam, Earth System Science Programme
Labor Market Outcomes among Highly-Skilled Immigrants & Return Migrants: The Role of Place of Education (completed) Prof. Yuying Tong, Dept of Sociology
Low-Carbon Transport, Individual Wellbeing & Planetary Health in the Era of Smart Cities & New Mobilities Prof. Sylvia He, Dept of Geography & Resource Management
Migration Policy, Welfare Boundary, Social Integration & Health-related Quality of Life of Children from Immigrant Families (completed) Prof. Joseph T.F. Lau, JC School of Public Health & Primary Care
Provision of Health Service & Community Care for the Elderly: Intergenerational Roles & Equity  (completed) Prof. Eliza Wong, JC School of Public Health & Primary Care
The Role of Big Data in Addressing the Determinants of Non-communicable Diseases in the Ageing Era Prof. Kelvin Tsoi, Stanley Ho Big Data Decision Analytics Research Centre
The WUN Data Science Network (WUN-DSN) Prof. Kelvin Tsoi, Stanley Ho Big Data Decision Analytics Research Centre
Wind or Solar? The Political Economy of Fuel Competition between Renewables (completed) Prof. Yuan Xu, Dept of Geography & Resource Management
Women’s Mobility: Negotiating Work & Family Spheres in Asia Prof. Jing Song, Gender Studies Programme


To see a full list of WUN projects CUHK engages in, please click here.


WUN at CUHK Contact

To learn more about opportunities provided through the WUN for CUHK researchers, please visit WUN’s website or contact:

Ms. Shally Fan
Director of Academic Links
Tel:  +852 3943 7586
Email: shallyfan@cuhk.edu.hk

Ms. Yvonne Heung
Programme Manager
Tel: +852 3943 4371
Email: yvonneheung@cuhk.edu.hk