Dear students, I’m Keongtae, and thrilled to be a part of Lee Woo Sing College! Being a member of Lee Woo Sing College is such an honor and I couldn’t be more excited! As a professor at the business school, I am particularly passionate about teaching subjects such as business analytics and blockchain. It is […]
Category: DoS Message
Dear students, What do you see in this painting? I got this painting in Chile during my first trip to an academic conference many years ago, and it has stayed with me since. To me, there is an element of peace in this painting. A man looking quietly at the tree, and his dog looking
Dear students, 閱讀的兔仔 兔年之始,大家互賀新年之餘,有否想想好好善用兔年。兔仔以跳脱、靈活見稱。一個思想靈活的人並不是偶然,必須經過努力。其中一個鍛鍊思考的方法就是閱讀,閱讀是一個人的事,有點寂寞,但在閱讀中我們觸摸世界;在閱讀中我們體驗愛及被愛;在閱讀中我們超越時間及地域的枷鎖;在閱讀中我們找到心靈的同伴與安慰。懂得閱讀樂趣的人,就不會害怕獨處。這個農曆新年,我一個人靜靜地看完了好幾本書,它們是岸見一郎的「不安的哲學」、張曼娟的「天上有顆孤獨星」及董啟章的「香港字」。或許,你會從一個人的書選,對他略知一、二。或許,因為閱讀,你可以與別人展開前所未有的話題。兔年之始,開卷有益,事事如意。 Reading Rabbit As the Year of the Rabbit begins, have you thought about how you can make the most of it by celebrating the New Year together? Rabbits are famous for their flexibility. Being a flexible thinker is no accident, it takes effort. One of the ways to train your thinking
Dear students, 第一步 下學期開始,高年班的本科生及研究生都在躊躇著怎樣完成他們的畢業論文。記得自己也是一樣,「想當年」我光是構思論文的結構已經花上非常多時間。於是,在猶豫不决之際,去了請教導師的意見。果然,得到的回覆是 「齋諗冇用,諗到大概係咁就寫咗出嚟先啦」。 原來,我們的創意思維可以天馬行空,計劃如何實踐可以天花龍鳳,可惜到要踏出第一步時,卻又欠一份勇氣,或是左顧右盼,心想「這樣不好,那樣不行」。最諷刺的是,過了一段時間後,我們好可能在市場上見到跟自己當初理念差不多的東西,卻又後悔,問自己當初為什麼不放手一搏。 各位同學,你們有沒有試過在腦海中閃過一些念頭,是「呢條橋一定得,可以怎麼怎麼做,只可惜我沒有資源!」呢?有見及此,今年書院推出了一個名為 “DARE”的計劃,鼓勵同學及校友們做一位創造者。我們將會幫助你踏出重要的第一步,實現你的創意或想法。同學及校友們可以以個人或組隊形式參加。該計劃將會提供學習工作坊,給予起始資助,幫助你建立人脈,藉此尋求專業意見及支持繼續發展。如果你有點子的話,快來參加吧! 另外,今個學期書院將會重新舉辦老師與同學的定期聚會。如果你們想跟院長,副院長或其他老師見面的話,請密切留意我們的相關通訊。 祝各同學在今個學期事事順利,健康平安! #嗲牙 #X_齋講無用㗎_做吖 The First Step At the start of the second semester, senior undergraduate and postgraduate students often struggle with completing their thesis for the degree. I was no different when I was doing my graduate study. I still recall the months I spent just
Dear students, Greetings Students of Lee Woo Sing College. My name is Calvin, and I am happy to be a part of such a great establishment of the Chinese University of Hong Kong. As a Physical Education lecturer, I aim to promote physical activity, health and wellness through education, research, leadership, cohesiveness and opportunity. I
Dear students, Greetings! My name is Yufei Tao. “Yu” means universe, “Fei” means “fly”, and “Tao” (my last name) means “cultivating one’s personality”. So, putting everything together, you can see that my grandfather (who blessed me with the name) had wanted me to soar into outer space someday. That has been my dream since childhood,
Dear students, 打卡成為現代人的生活習慣, 當我們到達一個好地方,自然地舉起手機將美景拍下,希望在人生路途上留下痕跡,也與朋友分享美好回憶。 你認為和聲書院最佳的打卡點在那裡? 今年選擇和聲書院第一及第二志願的新生創下歷史新高,在面試的時候,很多同學不約而同地說: 「選擇和聲書院是因為喜歡她的和諧氣氛。」不錯,「和」是書院的核心價值,我們致力在不同層面的活動締造和諧歡愉的氣氛。 和聲書院今年15歲了,即是 60歲(甲子)的1/4。香港中文大學將慶祝60周年 ,如果甲子代表穩重和有成就 。15歲的書院意味著充滿活力,勇闖未來的青年。在這重要時刻,書院準備製作一幅巨型的壁畫「百和圖」掛在書院入口的側牆。顧名思義,「百和圖」是由百多個「和」組成,選自書法名家撰寫不同字體的「和」字組合而成,我們邀請師生共同雕刻製作,每人雕刻一塊畫磚,上面除了「和」字也會刻上一個代表你的中文字。 「百和圖」將會成為和聲書院的最佳打卡點,相信對於有份參與雕刻的同學來說,它不單是打卡勝地,也刻畫了同學在書院留下的歷史痕跡,記錄他與一眾和聲人共建百和的美好回憶! 你又怎可以錯過參與製作的黃金機會呢? “Photo Check-in” (打卡) becomes a common practice. When we visit a beautiful place, we would take out our mobile phone immediately to capture the wonderful scenery and share our sweet memory with our friends! What do you think is the best ‘photo
Dear students, A month has passed since the beginning of the academic year. Are there any surprises, or are things pretty much in line with your expectations? Have you found people or things that excite you, or are you still on the search? For each of these questions, you might have chosen one answer over
Dear students, 我於2018年開始加入和聲書院,轉眼四年。這四年認識了和聲上下師生及職員,一起經歷過高低起跌,一起見證和聲同學的成長。 今年,有幸參與與崔子揚教授帶領書院Mentor的訓練工作坊,與十多位二至四年級同學一起見面。這十多位Mentor將成為Peer Advisor,與一年級同學一起共渡這一年又緊張又不容易適應的大學生活。Mentor也會以師兄師姐身份與一年級同學同行、建立互助網絡及透過活動建立和聲情誼。在工作坊中,新一屆Mentor嘗試學習溝通的不同方法及基本助人技巧 (helping skills)包括聆聽、合適回應及給善意提醒等。Mentor們又想試交換心得,例如:如何與Mentee展開話題、如何介紹自己及如何邀請Mentee參與書院活動等。集合大家的心得更成為整個工作坊的重點,大家的建議成為Mentor日後的實用參考。由今天開始,一年級同學可能會陸續收到Mentor的一些邀請及關心,不妨積極回應你的Mentor,因為他們本着和聲書院精神為大家服務。 回想四年和聲生活,深深體驗到和聲同學的熱誠,今次參與Mentor工作坊,更感受到和聲精神活現眼前,預祝各位Mentor今年成為一個出色的Peer Advisor。 I joined Woo Sing College in 2018 and it has been four years since then. During these four years, I have got to know the teachers, students and staffs of WS, we experienced the ups and downs together and witnessed the growth of WS students. This
Dear students, 今年是書院成立十五週年,在剛過去的兩個星期,一系列的慶祝活動已經開始。我很榮幸能參與其中,欣賞以「歲月留聲」為主題的歌唱比賽,場面好不熱鬧。 是次籌委的悉心安排及參賽同學的精彩表演,為今新學年的書院活動打響頭炮。接下來將會有更多院慶活動,期待您來參與! 還記得年前學期開始上書通時,我曾邀請數十位同學於學年初寫下其學年目標,到學期末時再看看其大計有否兌現。總括同學的經驗分享,成功的關鍵往往在於其執行力的持久度。雖説道理簡單,但在我們的生活當中,實在充斥着太多誘惑,到底要怎樣做,才能堅持到底,常常保持最佳執行力呢?最近翻查自己的筆記簿,找到一張由藝術家Chaz Hutton (@instachaaz) 創作的插圖,正正提到,是我們的選擇,影響我們的結果。在這裡,我想和同學玩個「拼圖遊戲」,希望這個新學年,大家都有所啟發,能實踐到自己的目標。 明天便是中秋節,祝大家中秋節快樂,人月兩團圓。 This year marks the 15th Anniversary of Woo Sing. In the past two weeks, a series of celebration activities have begun. It is my honour to participate in it and enjoy the singing contest with everyone. The well-thought theme, the surprising performance by the core organizers and