10 May 2010
Dear fellow colleagues and students,
After more than a year of hard work, I am pleased to let you know that Chinese University Student Information System (CUSIS) is scheduled to go live on 5 July 2010 (Monday). To allow time slot for data conversion, some IT services would be shutdown for a short period (See Appendix I). Our project team would work round the clock to keep the outage period as short as possible to minimize the inconvenience to colleagues and students. Your understanding and support will be much appreciated.
With the introduction of new colleges and 4-year curriculum, current format of student ID, which is 8-digit will need to be adjusted to 10-digit. The good news is that the student ID would be valid life long, i.e. as a student, you will use the same student ID when you get enrolled to postgraduate course or become our alumnus.
This new student ID format will be effective on 1 July, 2010. Existing student ID would only need to be prefixed by β10β to become the new ID, e.g. 08123456 would become 1008123456. For students graduating in Jul/Aug, their IDs would remain unchanged, i.e the current 8-digit number. For environmental concerns, students would continue using their current CU Link cards.
To facilitate you to explore the various CUSIS functions, the project team is developing a series of computer-based training (CBT) modules. We will let you know more about the CBT and go-live arrangement shortly.
For more details about CUSIS, please do not hesitate to visit our CUSIS website: http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cusis/ or contact the CUSIS Project Team (cusis@cuhk.edu.hk / 26961998).
Yours faithfully,
Ching Pak-chung
Chairman of Steering Committee on the Development of CUSIS
Appendix I
Outage Duration |
Systems/Services Affected |
30 June 19:00 to 1 July 07:00 |
- Central Authentication and Directory Service (CADS) |
30 June 19:00 to 1 July 08:30 |
- VPN and Wi-Fi for campus network access - Campus-wide E-mail System (CWEM and Webmail) |
30 June 19:00 to 1 July 19:00 |
- CUHK website (http://www.cuhk.edu.hk) that need to login
eLearning Systems: WebCT, Moodle and CUForum |
30 June 19:00 to 5 July 09:00 |
- MyCUHK |
