Support Us

Your Contribution Matters

Entering 15th Anniversary, Lee Woo Sing College is currently in a whole new phase of development, aiming to facilitate personal growth of students.

With the help of proposed programmes, namely “Caring Bursary” and “Creative Project Fund”, students and alumni are encouraged to utilise their creativity and participate into our continuous development. To press ahead these programmes, the College are in dire need of sponsorship and donation from all sectors.



On this special occasion of our 15th anniversary, we have received the generous contributions from all members of the Committee of Overseers (CoO) and the Assembly of Fellows. More importantly, Dr. Harry LEE, Chairperson of the CoO, and Mr. Hamen FAN, Honorary Advisor of the CoO, have committed to match each donation received during the anniversary celebration at an 1:1 ratio: a dollar of donation will be added up to 3 dollars. This would indeed be a good chance to reward the College!

Our Ongoing Projects

caring bursary

Caring Bursary

Caring Bursary provides financial assistance to students who have suffered from any difficulties which may affect their studies or living. The University plays the role of father and Lee Woo Sing College plays the role of mother. College would try our best to help students in need.

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Creative Project Fund

Creative project fund is open for applications for students/ alumni who have any initiatives & proposals around the college core values to support its sustainability and advancement.  The college core themes are positive, green, caring and harmony.  The project could be any kinds of initiatives from hardware, software, events, etc., e.g. develop an automated watering system for the college roof-top farmland; produce a WS musical include choir, singing concert winners; small start-up that embedded WS spirit.