The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Registration and Examinations Section
1st Term Course Registration and Add/Drop, 2019-20
for Year 2 or above Students
1. | First Term Course Registration | |||
Students should logon CUSIS and register 1st term courses on their own according to the following schedules. | ||||
8 August | (Thursday) | *10:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. | Year 4 or above and final year students, Year 3 or above students admitted with Advanced Standing and Year 2 or above students admitted to senior-year places | |
9 August | (Friday) | 10:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. | Year 3 students and Year 2 students admitted with Advanced Standing | |
13 August | (Tuesday) | 10:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. | Year 2 students | |
* Login time is from 10:00 a.m. for Year 5 or above students, Year 4 or above students admitted with Advanced Standing and Year 3 or above students admitted to senior-year places. Other students’ login time is from 11:00 a.m. | ||||
RES has adopted the suggestion of Student Unions (CUHK and Colleges) that students admitted to senior-year places / with Advanced Standing should register courses in accordance with their year of study (not year of attendance), apart from giving the highest priority to those students listed under “*”. | ||||
Students MUST check their time appointment for course registration in ‘Term Information’ under CUSIS from 3 August. If there is any discrepancy, please report to RES by e-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). | ||||
2. | Information for First Term Course Registration | |||
Students may check the following information on RES homepage (http://www.res.cuhk.edu.hk) from 1 August. If there are any questions, please contact RES or course offering departments concerned.
# Students who need to exceed term course load should download the form “Application for Exceeding Term Course Load” under “Applications” of RES homepage and submit it to RES after the endorsement of the Major Programme according to the specified deadlines, unless the specific Major Programme has already made prior arrangements. |
3. | System Functions under CUSIS for Course Enrolment | |||||||||||||||||
Students may use the following system functions to plan, validate, add, drop, swap and edit (i.e. make changes to their tutorials). Detailed steps of system walkthrough are illustrated in the appendices. | ||||||||||||||||||
i. |
Plan and Validate (Appendix 1) Starting from 3 August, students may logon CUSIS and pre-select courses they wish to enroll for 1st term 2019-20. The system function enables students to check whether their desired courses have any timetable conflicts and whether they meet the course enrolment rules. If students do NOT fulfill the pre-requisite of a course but must take the course, they should approach the course offering department for advice. However, if students fulfill the pre-requisite or course enrolment rules and yet have difficulty in course enrolment, they must report the problems by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.. RES and ITSC will follow up the reported problems as soon as possible. Please note that ‘plan’ and ‘validate’ system functions just help students put their desired courses under the ‘Shopping Cart’*. Student MUST logon CUSIS again during the above actual course registration schedule listed under (1) to finish the final enrolment process. Students are recommended to validate again their pre-select courses before the actual course registration, since any changes in timetable and course enrolment rules may affect the previous course validation results. * Please also take special note that students can ONLY submit a maximum of one elective Physical Education class and two University General Education classes in the ‘Shopping Cart’. |
ii. |
Pre-assigned Classes Course enrolment records of College Assembly, compulsory College General Education courses and classes pre-assigned by departments will be uploaded onto CUSIS, where applicable, by 6 August for students’ enquiries. However, since there may be further adjustments, students should check again the pre-assigned classes under ‘My Class Schedule’ prior to actual course registration. For detailed information of College Assembly and the arrangements of College General Education courses, please refer to respective Colleges’ websites. |
iii. |
University Core Requirements Students should take note of ‘University Core Requirements for Year 3/Year 2 Students’ on RES homepage and they will be pre-assigned the related Chinese and English courses, where applicable. |
iv. |
Finish Course Enrolment (Appendix 2) During the above specified period under (1), students MUST logon CUSIS and check again the pre-select courses under the ‘Shopping Cart’, then follow instructions to finish the remaining steps of course enrolment. The enrolment results will be made known immediately. Please refer to the steps under Appendix 2. |
v. |
Add, Drop, Swap and Edit (Appendix 3) If students need to make adjustments to their course enrolment, they may use the following system functions. |
To choose a course from the course list, ‘validate’ the enrolment rules, and then proceed to finish enrolling course. | |||||||||||||||||
To choose the class(es) intended to be dropped from the list of already enrolled classes, click ‘Drop Selected Classes’ and then ‘Finish Dropping’ to confirm. | |||||||||||||||||
To use ‘Class Search’ to select a class to add and then select a class to drop from the already enrolled classes, then click ‘Finish Swapping’ to confirm the action. | |||||||||||||||||
If a course comprises more than one tutorial sections (e.g. TUT01, TUT02) and the course offering department allows students to make changes on tutorial, students may use ‘Edit’ and then select another tutorial, if quota allows such changes. | |||||||||||||||||
vi. |
Wait List Students will be put into the wait list with “wait list position” when the class is full, if they indicate to be put in the wait list during course enrollment, on the condition that they fulfill the course enrolment rules. If some students drop the class or departments add quota after the course registration period, students on the “wait list” will enroll in the class automatically. Therefore, students on the wait list should check the course enrollment record daily to keep updated. Students MUST remove their name from the wait list on their own as soon as possible if they do not intend to take the course. |
vii. |
Register ‘Time-clash’ courses Students cannot register courses with timetable clashes. Departments need to inform RES directly if they give special approval. |
4. | Approach Course Offering Departments for Solving Course Registration Problems | |||||||||||||||||
Unless students must drop courses with ‘drop consent’ to lift course load restriction or need to waive pre-requisite course(s), students should approach departments, preferably on 12 August (for students scheduled to select courses on 8 or 9 August), or 14 August (for students scheduled to select courses on 13 August) or after the close of e-add/drop period during 16 - 20 September, for advice on the following problems. Some departments also accept enquiries or form submission by e-mail, please refer to RES homepage for details. | ||||||||||||||||||
i. |
Add Consent or Drop Consent: If department indicates ‘Add Consent’ or ‘Drop Consent’ for the class, students are not allowed to add or drop the class on their own under CUSIS. They must seek department’s approval by using the prescribed form ‘Course Add/Drop Form for Undergraduate Course’. Department may use ‘Quick Enroll’ function in CUSIS to add or drop the course for the students, and the results will be updated in students’ course enrollment records. |
ii. |
Do not fulfill course enrolment rules: If a student does not fulfill the course enrolment rules but must add a certain course, s/he should seek course offering department’s approval by filling in the form ‘Course Add/Drop Form for Undergraduate Course’. |
iii. |
To enroll postgraduate course: If departments have indicated under ‘Department Announcement’ that students may enroll certain postgraduate courses under CUSIS, students are able to do so on their own, otherwise, students must seek department’s approval by using the prescribed form ‘Course Add/Drop Form for Postgraduate Course’ and return the endorsed form to RES. |
iv. |
To fulfill graduation requirement: If a student is required to take a certain course to fulfill graduation requirements but has failed to enroll the course even after the close of e-add/drop period under CUSIS, s/he should seek department’s approval by using the ‘Course Add/Drop Form for Undergraduate Course’ to register the course concerned during 16 - 20 September. |
5. | Important Notes for Course Enrolment | |||||||||||||||||
i. | Course enrolment process is on a first-come first-served basis and at real-time mode, subject to fulfillment of course enrolment rules and availability of quotas. | |||||||||||||||||
ii. | Course enrolment rules embedded under CUSIS serve as system logic for accepting students into classes. If students encounter any problems in course registration and when system messages generated may not be so comprehensible from student’s point of view, please always refer to the detailed course enrolment rules under CUSIS. On fulfillment of ‘pre-requisite’ condition, only course(s) taken at CUHK or exempted through proper approval by ‘Course & Units Exemption’ will be recognized as the ‘pre-requisite course’ under CUSIS. Equivalent course(s) taken or re-designation of courses will NOT be treated as the pre-requisite course in CUSIS. If students have any problems in course enrolment under the above condition, please seek advice from RES or the department concerned. | |||||||||||||||||
iii. | For tutorial registration, if a course comprises of a lecture and a tutorial, students are required to add both the lecture and tutorial at the same time in the course enrolment process. If departments have pre-assigned the tutorials, please observe departments’ announcement whether students may use ‘edit’ to make changes on their own, or must approach the course offering department for making the changes if there is ‘add consent’ or ‘drop consent’. | |||||||||||||||||
iv. | For departments which have indicated ‘TBA’ in the teaching timetable, please observe departments’ announcement for timetable arrangements. | |||||||||||||||||
v. | Always check ‘My Class Schedule’ under CUSIS to get the most updated course enrolment records, since departments may make changes to their class schedules or cancel a course. | |||||||||||||||||
vi. | Always check the messages in ‘View results’ since ‘ü’ status does not mean the ‘add’ or ‘drop’ is successful. Please refer to the screen shot below.![]() |
6. | 1st Term Add/Drop Arrangements | |||||||||||||||||
i. | e-add/drop under CUSIS:
ii. | Students should use the ‘add’, ‘drop’, ‘swap’ or ‘edit’ system functions to make adjustments to course enrolment under CUSIS. The same system functions during course registration period apply. | |||||||||||||||||
iii. | Students should note that the ‘wait list’ captured under CUSIS will remain in the system until the close of e-add/drop period, unless otherwise specified by the departments concerned. If departments increase the quota of the class or some students drop from the class before then, students on the ‘wait list’ will automatically enroll in the class with new vacancy. Students are therefore reminded to check ‘My Class Schedule’ under CUSIS every day to make sure they are aware of the new class enrolment. If students do NOT intend to take the course, they should remove their name from the wait list on their own as soon as possible. | |||||||||||||||||
7. | 2nd Term Course Registration & Add/Drop | |||||||||||||||||
Course registration and add/drop schedule for 2nd term 2019-20 has been announced in the University Almanac. E-mail notification will be sent around early November on the details. | ||||||||||||||||||
8. | Typhoon and Rainstorm Arrangements for Course Registration and Add/drop | |||||||||||||||||
Course enrolment and course add/drop under CUSIS will NOT be suspended or postponed in any weather conditions. | ||||||||||||||||||
9. | Enquiry | |||||||||||||||||
Appendix 1: System Walkthrough for ‘Plan’ and ‘Validate’
Appendix 2: System Walkthrough for Finish Enrolling Courses
Appendix 3: System Walkthrough for ‘Add’, ‘Drop’, ‘Swap’ and ‘Edit’
10 July 2019
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Registration and Examinations Section
Second Term Course Registration and Add/Drop, 2019-20
1. | Second Term Course Registration | ||
Please take note of the following schedules and complete course registration under CUSIS on the specified date. | |||
4 November | ︰ | Students may start using ‘Plan’ and ‘Validate’ and put the courses intended to take in the ‘Shopping Cart’. | |
11 – 12 November | ︰ | *Year 4 or above and final year students, Year 3 or above students admitted with Advanced Standing and Year 2 or above students admitted to senior-year places can register courses; from 8:30 p.m. on 11 November to 8:30 p.m. on 12 November. | |
14 – 15 November | ︰ | Year 3 students, Year 2 students admitted with Advanced Standing and Year 1 students admitted to senior-year places can register courses; from 8:30 p.m. on 14 November to 8:30 p.m. on 15 November. | |
18 – 19 November | ︰ | Year 2 students and Year 1 students admitted with Advanced Standing can register courses; from 8:30 p.m. on 18 November to 8:30 p.m. on 19 November. | |
21 – 22 November | ︰ | Year 1 students can register courses; from 8:30 p.m. on 21 November to 8:30 p.m. on 22 November. | |
13 – 19 January 2020 | ︰ | e-add/drop under CUSIS | |
* Logon time is from 8:30 p.m. for Year 5 or above students, Year 4 or above students admitted with Advanced Standing and Year 3 or above students admitted to senior-year places. Other students’ login time is from 9:30 p.m. | |||
Students MUST check their time appointment for course selection in “Term Information” under CUSIS from 30 October. If there is any discrepancy, please report to RES by email (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). | |||
Students whose expected term of graduation is 1st term 2019-20 will NOT be given time appointment for course registration. If they need to register courses in 2nd term, please approach Major Programme to seek approval to change the expected graduation term with special reasons. | |||
2. | Information for Second Term Course Registration | ||
Students may check the following information on RES homepage (http://www.res.cuhk.edu.hk) and CUSIS from 28 October. If there are any questions, please contact RES or course offering departments concerned.
3. | System Functions under CUSIS for Course Registration | |||||||||||||||||
Students may use the following system functions to plan, validate, add, drop, swap and edit (i.e. make changes to their tutorials). Detailed steps of system walkthrough are illustrated in the appendices. | ||||||||||||||||||
i. |
Plan and Validate (Appendix 1) Starting from 4 November, students may logon CUSIS and pre-select courses they wish to enroll for 2nd term 2019-20. The system function enables students to check whether their desired courses have any timetable conflicts and whether they meet the course enrolment rules. If students do NOT fulfill the pre-requisite of a course but must take the course, they should approach the course offering department for advice. Please note that ‘plan’ and ‘validate’ system functions just help students to put their desired courses under the ‘Shopping Cart’*. Student MUST logon CUSIS again during the above actual course selection schedule listed under (1) to finish the final enrolment process. Students are recommended to validate again their pre-select courses before the actual course selection, since any changes in timetable and course enrolment rules may affect the previous course validation results. * Please also take special note that students can ONLY submit a maximum of one elective Physical Education class and two University General Education classes in the ‘Shopping Cart’. |
ii. |
Pre-assigned Classes Course enrolment records of College Assembly, compulsory College General Education courses and classes pre-assigned by departments will be uploaded onto CUSIS, where applicable, on or before 7 November for students’ information. However, since there may be further adjustments, students should check again the pre-assigned classes under ‘My Class Schedule’ prior to actual course selection. For detailed information of College Assembly and the arrangements of College General Education courses, please refer to respective Colleges’ websites. |
iii. |
University Core Requirements Students should refer to ‘Information on University Core Requirements and Exemption’ (for Year 1 students) or ‘University Core Requirements for Year 3/Year 2 Students' (for Year 2 and above students) on RES homepage for registration of University core courses. |
iv. |
Required Physical Education (PHED) course Except for students admitted with Advanced Standing or admitted to Senior-year Places who have already enrolled a required PHED course in 1st term and those of specified major programmes, all Year 1 students will be pre-assigned a course code PHED1000 under CUSIS. These students MUST replace PHED1000 by using “swap” function to register a required Physical Education course listed in the teaching timetable. For details, please refer to “Course Selection Information for Physical Education Courses” on RES homepage. For any Year 1 students who have special reasons for NOT taking the required Physical Education course, they must contact the Physical Education Unit. |
v. |
Finish Course Enrolment (Appendix 2) During the above specified period under (1), students MUST logon CUSIS and check again the pre-select courses under the ‘Shopping Cart’, then follow instructions to finish the remaining steps of course enrolment. The enrolment results will be made known immediately. Please refer to the steps under Appendix 2. |
vi. |
Add, Drop, Swap and Edit (Appendix 3) If students need to make adjustments to their course enrolment, they may use the following system functions. |
To choose a course from the course list, ‘validate’ the enrolment rules, and then proceed to finish enrolling course. | |||||||||||||||||
To choose the class(es) intended to be dropped from the list of already enrolled classes, click ‘Drop Selected Classes’ and then ‘Finish Dropping’ to confirm. | |||||||||||||||||
To use ‘Class Search’ to select a class to add and then select a class to drop from the already enrolled classes, then click ‘Finish Swapping’ to confirm the action. | |||||||||||||||||
If a course comprises more than one tutorial sections (e.g. TUT01, TUT02) and the course offering department allows students to make changes on tutorial, students may use ‘Edit’ and then select another tutorial, if quota allows such changes. | |||||||||||||||||
vii. |
Wait List Students will be put into the wait list with the ‘wait list position’ when the class is full, if they indicate to be put in the wait list during course enrollment, on the condition that they fulfil the course enrollment rules. If some students drop the class or departments add quota after the course registration period, students on the ‘wait list’ will enroll in the class automatically. Therefore, students on the wait list should check the course enrollment record daily to keep updated. Students MUST remove their name from the wait list on their own as soon as possible if they do not intend to take the course. |
viii. |
Register ‘Time-clash’ courses Students cannot register courses with timetable clashes. If there are special reasons, departments concerned have to give special approval for such course registration. |
4. | Approach Course Offering Departments for Solving Course Registration Problems | |||||||||||||||||
Unless students must drop courses with ‘Drop Consent’ to lift course load restriction or need to waive pre-requisite course(s), students should approach departments, preferably on the next working day after course registration (i.e. 13, 18, 20 or 25 November), or after the close of e-add/drop period during 20-23 January and 31 January 2020, for advice on the following problems. Some departments also accept enquiries or form submission by e-mail, please refer to RES homepage for details. | ||||||||||||||||||
i. |
To add course with 'Add Consent' or to drop course with 'Drop Consent': Please complete the form ‘Course Add/Drop Form for Undergraduate Course’ for department's approval. Department may then use ‘Quick Enroll’ function in CUSIS to add or drop the course for students, and the results will be updated in students’ course enrollment records. |
ii. |
Do not fulfill course enrolment rules: If a student does not fulfill the course enrolment rules but must add a certain course, s/he should seek course offering department’s approval by filling in the form ‘Course Add/Drop Form for Undergraduate Course’. |
iii. |
To enroll postgraduate course which department does not allow students to enroll under CUSIS: Please complete the form ‘Course Add/Drop Form for Postgraduate Course’ for department's approval and return the approved form to RES. |
iv. |
To fulfill graduation requirement: If a student is required to take a certain course to fulfill graduation requirements but has failed to enroll the course even after the close of e-add/drop period under CUSIS, s/he should seek department’s approval by using the ‘Course Add/Drop Form for Undergraduate Course’ to register the course concerned during 20-23 January and 31 January 2020. |
5. | Important Notes for Course Enrolment | |||||||||||||||||
i. | Course enrolment process is on a first-come first-served basis and at real-time mode, subject to fulfillment of course enrolment rules and availability of quotas. | |||||||||||||||||
ii. | Course enrolment rules embedded under CUSIS serve as system logic for accepting students into classes. If students encounter any problems in course registration and when system messages generated may not be so comprehensible from student’s point of view, please always refer to the detailed course enrolment rules under CUSIS. On fulfillment of ‘pre-requisite’ condition, only course(s) taken at CUHK or exempted through proper approval by ‘Course & Unit Exemption’ will be recognized as the ‘pre-requisite course’ under CUSIS. Equivalent course(s) taken or re-designation of courses will NOT be treated as the pre-requisite course in CUSIS. If students have any problems in course enrolment under the above condition, please seek advice from RES or the department concerned. | |||||||||||||||||
iii. | For tutorials, if a course comprises of a lecture and a tutorial, students are required to add both the lecture and tutorial at the same time in the course enrolment process. If departments have pre-assigned the tutorials, please observe departments’ announcement whether students may use ‘edit’ to make changes on their own, or must approach the course offering department for making the changes if ‘add consent’ or ‘drop consent’ is set. | |||||||||||||||||
iv. | For departments which have indicated ‘TBA’ in the teaching timetable, please observe departments’ announcement for timetable arrangements. | |||||||||||||||||
v. | Always check ‘My Class Schedule’ under CUSIS to get the most updated course enrolment records, since departments may make changes to their class schedules or cancel a course. | |||||||||||||||||
vi. | Always check the messages in ‘View results’ since ‘ü’ status does not mean the ‘add’ or ‘drop’ is successful. Please refer to the screen shot below.![]() |
6. | Second Term Add/Drop Arrangements in 2020 | |||||||||||||||||
i. |
e-add/drop under CUSIS: 13 January (Monday 8:30 p.m.) – 19 January (Sunday 8:30 p.m.) Special add/drop at Department: 20 January (Monday) – 23 January (Thursday) and 31 January (Friday) during office hours |
ii. | Students should use the ‘add’, ‘drop’, ‘swap’ or ‘edit’ system functions to make adjustments to course enrolment under CUSIS. | |||||||||||||||||
iii. |
Students should note that the ‘wait list’ captured under CUSIS will remain in the system until the close of e-add/drop period, unless otherwise decided by departments concerned. If students do not intend to take the course, they should remove their name from the wait list on their own as soon as possible. |
7. | Summer Session | |||||||||||||||||
Teaching timetable and course selection information for Summer Session to be held in 2020 will be announced around late-February and mid-March 2020 respectively. | ||||||||||||||||||
8. | Typhoon and Rainstorm Arrangements for Course Selection and Add/drop | |||||||||||||||||
The system for course enrolment and course add/drop under CUSIS will NOT be suspended or postponed in any weather conditions. | ||||||||||||||||||
9. | Enquiry | |||||||||||||||||
Appendix 1: System Walkthrough for ‘Plan’ and ‘Validate’
Appendix 2: System Walkthrough for Finish Enrolling Courses
Appendix 3: System Walkthrough for ‘Add’, ‘Drop’, ‘Swap’ and ‘Edit’
22 October 2019
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Registration and Examinations Section
1st Term Course Registration and Add/Drop, 2020-21
for Year 2 or above Students
1. |
First Term Course Selection |
Students should logon CUSIS and register 1st term courses on their own according to the following schedules. |
12 August (Wednesday) |
*10:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. |
Year 4 or above and final year students, Year 3 or above students admitted with Advanced Standing and Year 2 or above students admitted to senior-year places |
14 August (Friday) |
10:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. |
Year 3 students and Year 2 students admitted with Advanced Standing |
20 August (Thursday) |
10:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. |
Year 2 students |
* Login time is from 10:00 a.m. for Year 5 or above students, Year 4 or above students admitted with Advanced Standing and Year 3 or above students admitted to senior-year places. Other students’ login time is from 11:00 a.m. |
Students MUST check their time appointment for course selection in “Enrollment Dates” under CUSIS from 5 August. If there is any discrepancy, please report to RES by e-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). |
2. |
Information for First Term Course Selection |
Students MUST check Teaching Timetable for 1st term 2020-21 under CUSIS and the following information on RES homepage (http://www.res.cuhk.edu.hk) from 3 August. If there are any questions, please contact RES or course offering departments concerned. |
• Information on University Core Requirements |
• Course Selection Information for Physical Education Courses |
• Course Selection Information for University General Education Courses |
• Department Announcement |
• Frequently Asked Questions for Course Selection at CUSIS |
• #General Regulations Concerning Registration and Course Selection |
# Students who need to exceed term course load should download the form “Application for Exceeding Term Course Load” under “Applications” of RES homepage and submit it to Major Programme according to the specified deadlines, unless Major Programme has already made prior arrangements. |
When students check the information on Teaching Timetable, please note the following new features: Teaching Mode, and “Class Notes” that has information of the course outlines including assessment schemes for different scenarios provided by the course teachers. Students can enquire the “Class Notes” by clicking “Class Number” of the course in “Teaching Timetable by Subject / Department” under CUSIS. Please note that Teaching Mode and “Class Notes” are subject to change. |
3. |
System Functions under CUSIS for Course Enrolment |
Due to CUSIS upgrade, some terminologies used for CUSIS have been changed. Students may use the following system functions to validate, enroll, drop, swap and update (i.e. make changes to their tutorials) the courses. Details of the functions can be found in the User Guides posted at https://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cusis/faqs-enrollment.html. |
i. |
Validate courses using the function "Shopping Cart/Enroll Classes" (Appendix 1) |
Starting from 5 August, students may logon CUSIS to search and pre-select courses they wish to enroll for 1st term 2020-21 and put them into Shopping Cart*. Students can then click the button “Validate” to check whether their desired courses under the Shopping Cart have any timetable conflicts and whether they meet the course enrolment rules. Please note that “Validate” system function just helps students check the eligibility of enrolling their desired courses under the Shopping Cart. Students MUST logon CUSIS again during the above actual course selection schedule listed under (1) to finish the final enrolment process. Students are recommended to validate again their pre-selected courses before the actual course selection, since any changes in timetable and course enrolment rules may affect the previous course validation results. * Please also take special note that students can ONLY submit a maximum of one required Physical Education class and two University General Education classes in the Shopping Cart. |
ii. |
Pre-assigned Classes |
Course enrolment records of College Assembly, compulsory College General Education courses and classes pre-assigned by departments will be uploaded onto CUSIS under “View My Classes”, where applicable, by 10 August for students’ enquiries. However, since there may be further adjustments, students should check again the pre-assigned classes prior to actual course selection. For detailed information of College Assembly and the arrangements of College General Education courses, please refer to respective Colleges’ websites. |
iii. |
University Core Requirements |
Students should take note of “University Core Requirements for Year 3/Year 2 Students” on RES homepage and they will be pre-assigned the related Chinese and English courses, where applicable. |
iv. |
Finish Course Enrolment (Appendix 2) |
During the above specified period under (1), students MUST logon CUSIS and validate again the pre-selected courses under the Shopping Cart, then follow instructions to finish the remaining steps of course enrolment. The enrolment results will be made known on a first-come-first-served basis, which can be seen by using the function ‘Enrollment Status’. |
v. |
Enroll, Drop, Swap and Update Classes (Appendix 3) |
Students can make use of the following system functions for course adjustments. |
• |
Enroll Classes: |
Choose the classes and place in the Shopping Cart, click “Validate” to check the enrollment rules, and then click “Enroll” and follow the steps to finish enrolling course. |
• |
Drop Classes: |
To choose the class intended to be dropped from the list of already enrolled classes, click “Drop Classes” and then “Yes” to confirm. |
• |
Swap Classes: |
Select a class to drop from the already enrolled classes, and then use “Class Search” to select a class to add, then proceed to finish enrolling course. |
• |
Update Classes: |
If a course comprises more than one tutorial sections (e.g. TUT01, TUT02) and the course offering department allows students to make changes on tutorial, students may use “Update Classes” to select another tutorial, if quota allows such changes. |
vi. |
Wait List |
Students will be put into the wait list with “wait list position” when the class is full, if they indicate to be put in the wait list during course enrollment, on the condition that they fulfill the course enrolment rules. If some students drop the class or departments add quota after the course registration period, students on the wait list will enroll in the class automatically. Therefore, students on the wait list should check the course enrollment record daily to keep updated. Students MUST remove their name from the wait list on their own as soon as possible if they do not intend to take the course. |
4. |
Important Notes for Course Enrolment |
i. |
Course enrolment process under CUSIS is on a first-come-first-served basis and in batch mode, subject to fulfillment of course enrolment rules and availability of quotas. |
ii. |
Course enrolment rules embedded under CUSIS serve as system logic for accepting students into classes. If students encounter any problems in course registration and when system messages generated may not be so comprehensible from students’ view, please always refer to the detailed course enrolment rules under CUSIS. On fulfillment of “pre-requisite” condition, only course(s) taken at CUHK or exempted through proper approval by “Course & Unit Exemption” will be recognized as the ‘pre-requisite course’ under CUSIS. Equivalent course(s) taken or re-designation of courses will NOT be treated as the pre-requisite course in CUSIS. If students have any problems in course enrolment under the above condition, please seek advice from RES or the department concerned. |
iii. |
For tutorials, if a course comprises of a lecture and a tutorial, students are required to add both the lecture and tutorial at the same time in the course enrolment process. If departments have pre-assigned the tutorials, please observe departments’ announcement whether students may use “Update Classes” to make changes on their own, or must approach the course offering department for making the changes if “Add Consent” or “Drop Consent” is set. |
iv. |
If students want to add courses with “Add Consent” or drop courses with “Drop Consent”, they need to download and complete “Course Add/Drop Form for Undergraduate Course” and send the completed form by email to departments for approval and update on CUSIS. For postgraduate courses which departments do not allow students to enroll by themselves under CUSIS, they should download and complete “Course Add/Drop Form for Postgraduate Course” and send the completed form by email to departments for approval and return the endorsed form to RES for update on CUSIS. If students have other course registration problems, please contact RES or the department concerned by email for advice. |
v. |
Always check “View My Classes” under CUSIS to get the most updated course enrolment records, since departments may make changes to their class schedules or cancel a course. |
vi. |
Always pay attention to the messages after enrolling classes since “ü” status does not mean the “add” or “drop” is successful. Please refer to the screen shot below. |
5. |
1st Term Add/Drop Arrangements |
i. |
e-add/drop under CUSIS: |
• 14 September (Monday 8:30 p.m.) – 20 September (Sunday 8:30 p.m.) |
Add/Drop at Departments: |
• 21 September (Monday) – 25 September (Friday) during office hours |
ii. |
During the e-add/drop period, students should use the system functions under CUSIS to make adjustments to course enrolment. |
iii. |
Students should note that the wait list captured under CUSIS will remain in the system until the close of e-add/drop period, unless otherwise decided by the departments concerned. If students do not intend to take the course, they should remove their name from the wait list on their own as soon as possible. |
6. |
2nd Term Course Selection & Add/Drop |
Course selection and add/drop schedule for 2nd term 2020-21 has been announced in the University Almanac. E-mail notification will be sent around early November on the details. |
7. |
Typhoon and Rainstorm Arrangements for Course Selection and Add/drop |
Course enrolment and course add/drop under CUSIS will NOT be suspended or postponed in any weather conditions. |
8. |
Enquiry |
For any enquiry, please contact RES: |
: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | |||
Fax |
: | 2603 5129 | ||
Telephone |
: | 3943 9888 | ||
Website |
: | http://www.res.cuhk.edu.hk | ||
Appendix 1: System Walkthrough for “Class Search” and “Validate” |
Appendix 2: System Walkthrough for Finish Enrolling Courses |
Appendix 3: System Walkthrough for Add, Drop, Swap and Update Classes |
1 August 2020 |
The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Registration and Examinations Section
1st Term Course Registration and Add/Drop, 2021-22
for Year 2 or above Students
1. |
First Term Course Registration |
Students should logon CUSIS and register 1st term courses on their own according to the following schedule. |
11 August (Wednesday) |
*10:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. |
Year 4 or above and final year students, Year 3 or above students admitted with Advanced Standing and Year 2 or above students admitted to senior-year places |
13 August (Friday) |
10:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. |
Year 3 students and Year 2 students admitted with Advanced Standing |
18 August (Wednesday) |
10:00 a.m.-10:00 p.m. |
Year 2 students |
* Login time is from 10:00 a.m. for Year 5 or above students, Year 4 or above students admitted with Advanced Standing and Year 3 or above students admitted to senior-year places. Other students’ login time is from 11:00 a.m. |
Students MUST check their time appointment for course registration in “Enrollment Dates” under CUSIS from 4 August. If there is any discrepancy, please report to RES by e-mail (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.). |
2. |
Information for First Term Course Registration |
Students MUST check Teaching Timetable for 1st term 2021-22 under CUSIS and the following information on RES homepage (http://www.res.cuhk.edu.hk). If there are any questions, please contact RES or course offering departments concerned. |
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• |
Course Selection Information for University General Education Courses |
• |
• |
• |
General Regulations Concerning Registration and Course Selection |
Students should always check Major, Minor, and other University requirements stipulated under Undergraduate Student Handbook at the homepage of the Academic and Quality Section of the Registry. They may also use "My Academic Requirements" in "Academic Progress" tile under CUSIS to monitor their own academic progress and check their course fulfillment for graduation. |
Before course registration, please enquire ‘Language’ under the Teaching Timetable for the language of instruction of each class. Students should communicate with the course teaching staff concerned if they have difficulty in understanding the language used in the class. |
3. |
System Functions under CUSIS for Course Enrolment |
Students may use the following system functions to validate, enroll, drop, swap and update (i.e. make changes to their tutorials) the courses. Details of the functions can be found in the User Guides posted at https://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cusis/faqs-enrollment.html. |
i. |
Validate courses using the function "Shopping Cart/Enroll Classes" (Appendix 1) |
Starting from 4 August, students may logon CUSIS to search and pre-select courses they wish to enroll for 1st term 2021-22 and put them into “Shopping Cart”. Students can then click the button “Validate” to check whether their desired courses under the Shopping Cart have any timetable conflicts and whether they meet the course enrolment rules. Please note that “Validate” system function just helps students check the eligibility of enrolling their desired courses under the Shopping Cart. Students MUST logon CUSIS again during the above actual course selection schedule listed under (1) to finish the final enrolment process. Students are recommended to validate again their pre-selected courses before the actual course selection, since any changes in timetable and course enrolment rules may affect the previous course validation results. * Please also take special note that students can ONLY submit a maximum of one required Physical Education class and two University General Education classes in the Shopping Cart. |
ii. |
Pre-assigned Classes |
Course enrolment records of College Assembly, compulsory College General Education courses and classes pre-assigned by departments will be uploaded onto CUSIS under “View My Classes”, where applicable, by 9 August for students’ enquiries. However, since there may be further adjustments, students should check again the pre-assigned classes prior to actual course selection. For detailed information of College Assembly and the arrangements of College General Education courses, please refer to respective Colleges’ websites. |
iii. |
University Core Requirements |
Students should take note of “University Core Requirements for Year 3/Year 2 Students” on RES homepage and they will be pre-assigned the related Chinese and English courses, where applicable. |
iv. |
Finish Course Enrolment (Appendix 2) |
During the above specified period under (1), students MUST logon CUSIS and validate again the pre-selected courses under the Shopping Cart, then follow instructions to finish the remaining steps of course enrolment. The enrolment results will be made known on a first-come-first-served basis, which can be seen by using the function ‘Enrollment Status’. |
v. |
Enroll, Drop, Swap and Update Classes (Appendix 3) |
Students can make use of the following system functions for course adjustments. |
• |
Enroll Classes: |
Choose the classes and place in the Shopping Cart, click “Validate” to check the enrollment rules, and then click “Enroll” and follow the steps to finish enrolling course. |
• |
Drop Classes: |
To choose the class intended to be dropped from the list of already enrolled classes, click “Drop Classes” and then “Yes” to confirm. |
• |
Swap Classes: |
Select a class to drop from the already enrolled classes, and then use “Class Search” to select a class to add, then proceed to finish enrolling course. |
• |
Update Classes: |
If a course comprises more than one tutorial sections (e.g. TUT01, TUT02) and the course offering department allows students to make changes on tutorial, students may use “Update Classes” to select another tutorial, if quota allows such changes. |
vi. |
Wait List |
Students will be put into the wait list with “wait list position” when the class is full, if they indicate to be put in the wait list during course enrollment, on the condition that they fulfill the course enrolment rules. If some students drop the class or departments add quota after the course registration period, students on the wait list will enroll in the class automatically. Therefore, students on the wait list should check the course enrollment record daily to keep updated. Students MUST remove their name from the wait list on their own as soon as possible if they do not intend to take the course. |
4. |
Important Notes for Course Enrolment |
i. |
Course enrolment process under CUSIS is on a first-come-first-served basis and in batch mode, subject to fulfillment of course enrolment rules and availability of quotas. |
ii. |
Course enrolment rules embedded under CUSIS serve as system logic for accepting students into classes. If students encounter any problems in course registration and when system messages generated may not be so comprehensible from students’ view, please always refer to the detailed course enrolment rules under CUSIS. On fulfillment of “pre-requisite” condition, only course(s) taken at CUHK or exempted through proper approval by “Course & Unit Exemption” will be recognized as the ‘pre-requisite course’ under CUSIS. Equivalent course(s) taken or re-designation of courses will NOT be treated as the pre-requisite course in CUSIS. If students have any problems in course enrolment under the above condition, please seek advice from RES or the department concerned. |
iii. |
For tutorials, if a course comprises of a lecture and a tutorial, students are required to add both the lecture and tutorial at the same time in the course enrolment process. If departments have pre-assigned the tutorials, please observe departments’ announcement whether students may use “Update Classes” to make changes on their own, or must approach the course offering department for making the changes if “Add Consent” or “Drop Consent” is set. |
iv. |
If students want to add courses with “Add Consent” or drop courses with “Drop Consent”, they need to download and complete “Course Add/Drop Form for Undergraduate Course” and send the completed form by email to departments for approval and update on CUSIS. For postgraduate courses which departments do not allow students to enroll by themselves under CUSIS, they should download and complete “Course Add/Drop Form for Postgraduate Course” and send the completed form by email to departments for approval and return the endorsed form to RES for update on CUSIS. If students have other course registration problems, please contact RES or the department concerned by email for advice. |
v. |
Always check “View My Classes” under CUSIS to get the most updated course enrolment records, since departments may make changes to their class schedules or cancel a course. |
vi. |
Always pay attention to the messages after enrolling classes since “ü” status does not mean the “add” or “drop” is successful. Please refer to the screen shot below. |
vii. |
Observe some smart tips on course enrolment from ITSC: |
• |
Each student should only make a single logon to CUSIS for course enrolment (http://portal.cuhk.edu.hk). ITSC may take action against any students who purposely write computer scripts for course enrolment or have multiple logins. |
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CUSIS will timeout after it has been idle for 20 minutes. |
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Check CUSIS client workstation hardware & software requirement at http://www.cuhk.edu.hk/cusis/com/cusis-PCrequirement.pdf. |
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OnePass password should be kept in strict confidence and should never be shared with others, since this password and the student ID number will enable others access to all personal and academic information kept in the student record system of the University. Please change your OnePass password on a periodic basis. |
5. |
1st Term Add/Drop Arrangements |
i. |
e-add/drop under CUSIS: |
• 13 September (Monday 8:30 p.m.) – 19 September (Sunday 8:30 p.m.) |
Special Add/Drop at Departments: |
• 20-21 September (Monday-Tuesday), 23-24 September (Thursday-Friday) and 27 September (Monday) during office hours |
ii. |
During the e-add/drop period, students should use the system functions under CUSIS to make adjustments to course enrolment. |
iii. |
Students should note that the wait list captured under CUSIS will remain in the system until the close of e-add/drop period, unless otherwise decided by the departments concerned. If students do not intend to take the course, they should remove their name from the wait list on their own as soon as possible. |
6. |
2nd Term Course Registration and Add/Drop |
Course registration and add/drop schedule for 2nd term 2021-22 has been announced in the University Almanac. E-mail notification will be sent around early November on the details. |
7. |
Typhoon and Rainstorm Arrangements for Course Registration and Add/drop |
Course registration and add/drop under CUSIS will NOT be suspended or postponed in any weather conditions. |
8. |
Enquiry |
For any enquiry, please contact RES: |
: | This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. | |||
Fax |
: | 2603 5129 | ||
Telephone |
: | 3943 9888 | ||
Website |
: | http://www.res.cuhk.edu.hk | ||
Appendix 1: System Walkthrough for “Class Search” and “Validate” |
Appendix 2: System Walkthrough for Finish Enrolling Courses |
Appendix 3: System Walkthrough for Add, Drop, Swap and Update Classes |
2 August 2021 |