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The Story of Architectural Styles in Hong Kong

通識沙龍 2022-23「新活日常」

GE Salon 2022-23 Day in, day out: Critical Insights into the New Normal

第六節 Session 6


The Story of Architectural Styles in Hong Kong

講者 Speaker:韓曼博士 Dr. HAN Man
主持 Moderator:黃宇軒博士 Dr. WONG Yu Hin Sampson
日期 Date:2 / 3 / 2023 (Thur)
時間 Time:7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
地點 Venue:香港中文大學康本國際學術園4號演講廳 LT4, Yasumoto International Academic Park, CUHK

In Cantonese (with sign language interpreting)

講座簡介 About the Talk


In recent years, the public has become increasingly interested in Hong Kong's own architectural culture. Style is a common concept the public use to understand the buildings. For example, many buildings in Hong Kong are labeled as “Bauhaus Style” and “Brutalism Style". Are these labels accurate? Where do these styles originate? What other architectural styles are there in Hong Kong? Besides architectural styles, what other concepts and perspectives can help the public to appreciate and experience Hong Kong architecture? This talk will attempt to answer these questions with concrete examples.

講者簡介 About the Speaker


Dr. Han Man is a lecturer at the School of Architecture, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research interests are in the history of 20th-century Hong Kong architecture and the conservation and revitalization of modern architecture in Hong Kong.

報名 Registration

中大同學及教職員 CUHK Student and Staff

公眾人士 General Public


費用全免,歡迎所有人士參加 Free admission, all are welcome.

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Modernism in Hong Kong’s Everyday Architecture

通識沙龍 2022-23「新活日常」

GE Salon 2022-23 Day in, day out: Critical Insights into the New Normal

第五節 Session 5


Modernism in Hong Kong’s Everyday Architecture

講者 Speaker:徐頌雯教授 Prof. TSUI Chung Man Carmen
主持 Moderator:黃宇軒博士 Dr. WONG Yu Hin Sampson
日期 Date:9 / 2 / 2023 (Thur)
時間 Time:7 p.m. - 9 p.m.
地點 Venue:香港中文大學 謝昭杰室(崇基圖書館) Tse Chiu Kit Room (CK TSE) (G/F), CUHK

粵語主講 (設手語翻譯)
In Cantonese (with sign language interpreting)

講座簡介 About the Talk


Since the 1930s, the Modern Movement of architecture, which emphasizes the functionality, economic benefits, and production methods of buildings, has widely influenced architectural design in Hong Kong. The city’s public buildings, such as markets, schools, and town halls, best embody the spirit of architectural modernism. Their plain and efficient design meets the social and economic needs of the modern era. They are everyday architecture that is closely tied to people’s daily life. Because they can be found in every district, public buildings are easily mistaken as unimportant or ordinary. In this talk, the speaker will examine the ways Hong Kong’s everyday architecture adapts to the challenges of modern society.

講者簡介 About the Speaker


Carmen C. M. Tsui is an architect and urban historian. She is an associate professor in the Department of History at Lingnan University. She obtained her Ph.D. in Architecture from the University of California, Berkeley. Her research focuses have been on the housing history of China and Hong Kong, heritage conservation and management, urban history, and architectural modernism in Asia. She is the author of Everyday Architecture in Context: Public Markets in Hong Kong (1842–1981).

報名 Registration

中大同學及教職員 CUHK Student and Staff

公眾人士 General Public


費用全免,歡迎所有人士參加 Free admission, all are welcome.

查詢 Enquiry:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.