The American Freshman National Norms

The American Freshman National Norms

Date: 9 May 2007 (Wednesday)
Speakers: Miss Katie Yeung, Miss Grace Lau (Office of University General Education)

Office of University General Education is conducting its first questionnaire survey on students’ expectations and views on the University General Education programme. Similar surveys have been done over the years by various American universities and organizations. The experiences and literature they have accumulated are valuable reference for us.

The American Freshman National Norms, an annual longitudinal study done by the Cooperative Institutional Research Program (CIRP) since 1966, is the oldest and largest study of its kind. Their reports shed light on the changing characteristics and needs of American college students in the last few decades in relation to the societal changes in America.

Drawing on the data, the CIRP derives from students’ value attitude and institution policy three different orientations to higher education, namely reputation, resource and student development. It also presents two different world views – competition and cooperation, which leads to our reflection on what excellent education means.

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College GE Sharing Session II: New Asia and Shaw

College GE Sharing Session II: New Asia and Shaw

Date: 11 April 2007 (Wednesday)
Prof. Ooi Vincent EC (Dean of General Education, New Asia College)
Prof. Lui Tai Lok (Dean of General Education, Shaw College)
Moderator: Dr. Leung Mei Yee (Office of University General Education)

The college system is a unique characteristic of CUHK and is linked closely with the development of the GE Programme in CUHK. Currently, our GE Programme has two components, University GE and College GE, which are complementary and equally indispensable. The four Colleges, inspired by their respective traditions and spirit, cultivate the students’ minds and hearts. Apart from providing formal courses, through College life and its rich array of activities, College GE offers different channels for the acquisition of knowledge and personal development.

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College GE Sharing Session I: Chung Chi and United

College GE Sharing Session I: Chung Chi and United

Date: 21 March 2007 (Wednesday)
Prof. Chan Wai Kwong Victor (Dean of General Education, Chung Chi College)
Prof. Chang Song Hing (Dean of General Education, United College)
Moderator: Prof. Cheung Chan Fai (Office of University General Education)

The college system is a unique characteristic of CUHK and is linked closely with the development of the GE Programme in CUHK. Currently, our GE Programme has two components, University GE and College GE, which are complementary and equally indispensable. The four Colleges, inspired by their respective traditions and spirit, cultivate the students’ minds and hearts. Apart from providing formal courses, through College life and its rich array of activities, College GE offers different channels for the acquisition of knowledge and personal development.

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GE Teacher Sharing: Area D (Self and Humanity)

GE Teacher Sharing: Area D (Self and Humanity)

Date: 14 February 2007 (Wednesday)
Moderator: Dr. Leung Mei Yee (Office of University General Education)

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GE Teacher Sharing: Area C (Society and Culture)

GE Teacher Sharing: Area C (Society and Culture)

Date: 24 January 2007 (Wednesday)
Moderator: Dr. Leung Mei Yee (Office of University General Education)

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GE Teacher Sharing: Area B (Nature, Technology and the Environment)

GE Teacher Sharing: Area B (Nature, Technology and the Environment)

Date: 29 November 2006 (Wednesday)
Moderator: Prof. Cheung Chan Fai (Office of University General Education)

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GE Teacher Sharing: Area A (Cultural Heritage)

GE Teacher Sharing: Area A (Cultural Heritage)

Date: 8 November 2006 (Wednesday)
Moderator: Dr. Leung Mei Yee (Office of University General Education)

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Research Report on the GE Development in 5 Key Mainland Universities

Research Report on the GE Development in 5 Key Mainland Universities

Date: 12 October 2006 (Thursday)
Speakers: Prof. Cheung Chan Fai, Dr. Leung Mei Yee (Research Centre for General Education)

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Understanding and Expectation towards GE in CUHK

Understanding and Expectation towards GE in CUHK

Date: 20 September 2006 (Wednesday)
Speakers: Miss Katie Yeung, Miss Emily Ng (Office of University General Education)

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