Lunch Seminar 通識午餐聚會
What is the Best
Students can Expect from a General Education Course?
日期 Date : 2019-03-01 (星期五 Friday)
時間 Time:12:30 pm to 2:00 pm
地點 Venue: 香港中文大學許讓成樓 701, Hui Yeung Shing Huilding, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
講者 Speaker: 陳如珍博士 (人類學系) Dr. Chen Ju-chen (Department of Anthropology)
語言 Language: 英語 English
一如許多同仁一樣,陳如珍博士相信通識教育對大學本科課程至關重要。通識教育(如人類學)拓寬學生視野,培養他們的批判性思維能力,更促進全人發展。 然而,陳博士在教授通識科目的經驗中,得知不少香港中文大學的學生認為通識教育,特別是範圍A「中華文化傳承」的科目,既無聊,亦無關緊要。 這些學生修讀通識科目,僅為滿足大學的畢業要求;他們對通識教育,可謂「不抱任何期望」。面對這些缺乏學習動機的學生,陳博士常常一開始就問他們:「你對一個大學通識科目最高期望是甚麼?」
陳博士在是次的通識午餐聚會,將闡述她怎樣與學生一同探索和回答這個問題。 這些師生間的討論,乃有關通識老師怎樣與學生訂立共同目標,以盡力發揮通識教育的學習效益。
Brief Description
Like many of her colleagues, Dr. Chen Ju-chen believes that general education is critical in the university’s undergraduate curriculum. General education (like anthropology) broadens students’ perspectives, trains their critical thinking skills, and facilitates whole-person development. However, one thing Dr. Chen learned about teaching general education at CUHK is that some students believe that general education, especially courses in Area A “Chinese Cultural Heritage”, are boring and irrelevant in nature. They only take these courses to fulfill the university requirement for graduation, and they come with “no expectation.” To teach students with little motivation, Dr. Chen often starts from asking them: “What do you think is the best you can expect from a general education course?”
In this GE lunch seminar, Dr. Chen would like to explore what her students and she have figured out in answering this question. This discussion is about fixing a shared goal with general education students; and how that can help maximize the benefits of general education.
陳如珍博士是香港中文大學人類學系的高級講師。陳博士的學術專長涵蓋主題和地域包括:中國女性移民工人,以及她們為兒子購置更好居所的奮鬥;香港的菲律賓傭工,以及她們通過參加選美比賽所表達的願望;香港和台灣的獨立音樂家和音樂活動組織者,以及他們的無儲蓄生活方式。陳博士對性別與移民之間的關係尤感興趣,她常以「願望」為關鍵詞來分析不同研究對象的人生追求。 陳博士自2009年起在人類學系任教。多年以來,陳博士任教的通識教育科目包括:UGEA2180「中國文化與社會」,UGEA2334「今日中國」,UGEC2653「性別與文化」,和GENA2192「女人、男人與文化」。
Speaker's Bio
Dr. Chen Ju-chen is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Anthropology, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. Her scholarly interests cover a number of topics and geographic locations: female migrant workers in China and their efforts to obtain better houses for their sons; Filipino domestic workers in Hong Kong and the wishes they realize through participating in beauty pageants; and independent musicians and music event organizers in Hong Kong and Taiwan with a focus on their non-accumulative lifestyles. Dr. Chen is interested in the relationship between gender and migration, and she uses aspiration as the keyword to analyze the pursuits of her various research subjects. Dr. Chen has been teaching in the Department of Anthropology since 2009. Over these years Dr. Chen has taught the following general education courses: UGEA2180 Chinese Culture and Society, UGEA2334 China Today, UGEC2653 Gender and Culture, and GENA2192 Women, Men, and Culture.
報名 Registration
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電話 Tel: 3943-8625 (Andy Heung)
截止報名 Deadline: 28/2/2019