Greek Tragedy and Human Fortune

你想‧現實 Hope Actually

Greek Tragedy and Human Fortune
Speaker: Kwan Tsz Wan
Moderator: Kwok Pak Nin Samson

In Cantonese

Folie à Millions: Imagining Mental Disorders in the Age of Scientific Internationalism

你想‧現實 Hope Actually

Folie à Millions: Imagining Mental Disorders in the Age of Scientific Internationalism
Speaker: Wu Yi-Jui Harry
Moderator: Yang Jie Jasmine

In Mandarin

The Room for Hope and Responsibility in Nature

你想‧現實 Hope Actually

The Room for Hope and Responsibility in Nature
Speaker: Cheung Chi Kwan Vincent and Klaus Colanero

Brief Description
Given the current knowledge about the brain, does it make sense to talk about personal responsibility? Does nature allow for human responsible actions? Do the laws of physics leave any room for us to shape our future?

On the other hand, if I want to hold a responsible attitude towards others' wellbeing, can I disregard the importance of scientific knowledge of nature? What does our current scientific knowledge have to do with our interventions on the environment? What do new discoveries in neuroscience have to do with criminal law?

Through their dialogue the two speakers will show possible answers and their implications.

About the Speakers

Vincent Cheung, neuroscientist, is assistant professor at the School of Biomedical Sciences of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Klaus Colanero, physicist and aspiring philosopher of science, is lecturer for the General Education Foundation Programme of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

In English

Politics of Hope

你想‧現實 Hope Actually

Politics of Hope
Speaker: Hui Po Keung

In Cantonese

Natural Hazards under Climate Change: Are We Ready for the Next “Wanda”?

你想‧現實 Hope Actually

Natural Hazards under Climate Change: Are We Ready for the Next “Wanda”?
Speaker: Chen Yongqin, David

In Cantonese

Death Knell of Neoliberalism? Co-sharing Cities, Not Just Co-sharing Economies

你想‧現實 Hope Actually

Death Knell of Neoliberalism? Co-sharing Cities, Not Just Co-sharing Economies
Speaker: Ng Mee Kam

In Cantonese

Art Heal, Art Help

你想‧現實 Hope Actually

Art Heal, Art Help
Speaker: Liang Yee Woo, Evelyna

In Cantonese

From Boat to Bowl: Patterns and Dynamics of Hong Kong SHARK Tale

你想‧現實 Hope Actually

From Boat to Bowl: Patterns and Dynamics of Hong Kong SHARK Tale
Speaker: Stan Shea

Brief Description

When you think about the ocean and it's many fishes, what comes into your mind? Many people would say "delicious" or "seafood", highlighting the most predominant relationship between man and sea. Hong Kong is one of the biggest per capita consumer of seafood in the world, and we have been importing our marine resources from over 130 countries/territories around the world each year. Do you think the ocean has limitless resources for our consumption, or are our oceans on the verge of collapse?

From fearsome sharks to colourful groupers, let's talk a bit about marine conservation – the fish's vulnerability to overfishing, Hong Kong's role in managing global seafood stocks, and what we can do to ensure healthy oceans and abundant sea life for our next generation.

About the Speaker

Stan Shea is the Marine Programme Director and resident researcher of BLOOM Association Hong Kong. He graduated from the Oxford Brook University studying Environmental Science and holds an MPhil in Marine Biology from The University of Hong Kong. At BLOOM HK, Stan manages all ongoing research, education and advocacy projects, and works both globally and locally for topics surrounding the shark fin-related trade. He has recently published a paper on Hong Kong's sea cucumber trade and a co-authored photographic guide book on Hong Kong's reef fishes.

In Cantonese

The Cross and the Red Regime: Christianity and Religious Policy in China since the Implementation of Reform and Opening Up Policy

你想‧現實 Hope Actually

The Cross and the Red Regime: Christianity and Religious Policy in China since the Implementation of Reform and Opening Up Policy
Speaker: Kwok Wai Luen

In Cantonese