Teaching Philosophy
Teaching is my career. I believe teaching should be able to help students’ development both professionally and personally, should be constructive to our community, and last but not least should be enjoyable.
When I teach Cantonese/Chinese as a second language, I am glad that not only I could convey linguistic knowledge to students, but also train students to use the target language appropriately and to respect a different culture. I trust that good language skills and cultural appreciation help students study and work harmoniously and effectively in an internationalized and globalized context.
My research interests include applied linguistics, Cantonese studies, Chinese linguistics, sociolinguistics, language, culture, as well as language teaching pedagogy. I trust academic research could not only contribute to the content subject, but also improve teaching methodology as well as understanding of students’ needs.
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Understanding of General Education Objectives
When teaching the two General Education courses, UGED1146 Chinese Language, Culture and Language Learning and GENA1113 Student-oriented Teaching and Seminar, I enjoyed discussing with students and exchange views on particular issues. Since students are of different professional and even cultural background, for instance UGED1146 involves a mixture of international students, Mandarin-speaking students and local students, it is exciting to engage in meaningful discussion with them concerning the links and issues connecting language, culture, society, and individuals. I believe that cultural understanding and respecting people’s differences are good qualities that should be promoted in education. Indeed, cultural understanding and mutual respect are one of the major themes of UGED1146.
There are student research projects and presentations in the two General Education courses I am teaching. It is an extraordinary experience to walk with students and see them, initially develop their idea through reading famous texts and sources in related literature, then strengthen their thoughts through constructive discussions and research, and finally consolidate their ideas in a presentation and in an academic paper. I am very happy to lead students doing research of their interest, and General Education courses provide students opportunities to learn different research methodologies and apply these research skills in their study and career.
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Belief about teaching and learning, understanding of education
I believe education can help students develop in three areas:
- Specific knowledge and skills which enable students to develop a specific area of interest and career and to further their study or research in a specific area and become passionate experts and professionals in an area, which can benefit the community.
- Broad intellectual perspectives which enable students to connect academic knowledge in relation to their career and personal development, to increase their curiosity in other specific areas and find out the interrelationship among different academic areas as well as professions; broad intellectual perspectives will also enable students to develop interest in issues of the ever-changing world with logical and critical mind.
- Language and communication skills that enable students to express themselves, to effectively communicate with others, to understand and appreciate their own culture as well as to respect cultures of other people.
The world that we are living in is ever changing and full of new challenges. University students are facing unexpected issues and questions at work, in personal life and in the community. The three areas are inter-related and are inevitably important for students: Students with specific knowledge could look at specific issues profoundly and can gradually develop as experts in particular field(s). Students with good language and communication skills would have more chances to develop excellent interpersonal communication and to communicate with people of other culture. Students with broad intellectual perspectives could be able to approach unanticipated issues from different angles, to collect and connect available knowledge/resources to find possible solution, as well as to understand their own personal strength and weakness. These three areas together would help students develop as experts and professionals with a wider perspective. I believe this would make university a place to cultivate students with life-wide and life-long learning capabilities. I would continue to do my best to work towards this direction.