General Education policy decisions rest with the Senate Committee on General Education, operating under the CUHK Senate. The Senate Committee, assisted by its Standing Committee, is responsible for keeping the General Education Programme under constant review and supervision and ensuring that close coordination exists between the University and the College GE Programmes.

Membership of the Senate Committee on General Education includes representatives from all faculties and Colleges, Director and Associate Director of University General Education, Registrar and ad-personam members appointed by the Vice Chancellor. Student representatives are invited as observers to the meetings of the Senate Committee.

University General Education courses are provided by over 40 teaching departments. The Office of University General Education, being the executive arm of the Senate Committee, implements its policy, coordinates various teaching departments in the delivery of courses, and promotes the ideals of general education both within the campus community and to the general public. The College General Education Programmes, comprised of College GE courses and student-oriented courses and informal activities, are administered by the College General Education Offices under the leadership of the respective Deans of College General Education.