BA, MPhil, PhD (HKU)

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

  • Lecturer,
    General Education Foundation Programme

Academic Interests

  • Modern and contemporary Chinese literature
  • Classical Chinese literature
  • Chinese intellectual history
  • Teaching classics for general education


  • 2018:
    • Exegesis of Wang Zengqi (Traditional Chinese Edition). Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (Hong Kong) Company Limited, 2018.
    • Exegesis of Wang Zengqi (Simplified Chinese Edition). Hangzhou: Zhejiang People's Publishing House, 2018.
  • 2016:
    • The Beijing School: Legacy and Innovation Research into the Novels of Wang Zengqi. Nanjing: Nanjing University Press, 2016.

Book Chapters and Articles

  • 2016:
    • "Loosely but Conscientiously Structured Pattern: A Dominant Feature of Wang Zengqi's Fiction", Hong Kong Literary, No. 381 (Sept 2016), pp. 68-77.
    • (with Julie Chiu, Xin Gao, Wai Ming Ho, Samson Kwok, and Andy Yu) "DAIMON—a mobile app for In Dialogue with Humanity at The Chinese University of Hong Kong," in Teaching and Learning with Technology: Proceedings of the 2016 Global Conference on Teaching and Learning with Technology (CTLT 2016), edited by Wilton Fok and Vivian Wenting Li, pp. 23-38. Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co., 2016.
    • "Aesthetic Thought and Pursuits of Jing School's fictions in the 1930s", Hong Kong Literature Study, No. 43 (Apr 2016), pp. 30-45.
  • 2015:
    • "Ordinary People and Folk Culture in Wang Zengqi's Fiction", Journal of Chinese Literature, No. 6 (Dec 2015), pp. 287-324.
    • "The Jing School Revisited: A Group of Literati Writers in Peking during the 1930s", Journal of Oriental Studies, Vol. 48, No. 1 (Jun 2015), pp. 109-126.
    • "A Critical Study of Wang Zengqi's New Literary Sketches", Hong Kong Literature Bimonthly, No. 76 (Apr 2015), pp. 54-56 and 61-64.
  • 2014:
    • "A Critical Study of Shen Congwen's Poetry", Hong Kong Literature Study, No. 34 (Oct 2014), pp. 8-21.
  • 2012:
    • "From White Dog Swing to Nuan: A glimpse into Mo Yan's fiction and the movie adapted from it", Hong Kong Literature Bimonthly, No. 61 (Oct, 2012), pp.85-88.
    • "A study of Fei Ming's poetry composed in the 1930s", Journal of Hubei University, Philosophy and Social Science, Vol. 39, No. 4 (Jul, 2012), pp.74-78.
    • "A study of Wang Zengqi's rewritings on Strange Tales from a Chinese Studio", Journal of Xiaogan University, Vol. 32, No. 3 (May, 2012), pp.42-47.
    • "The epochal significance of Fei Ming's poetics", in Collected Papers on the Seventh International Conference on Oriental Poem Studies, Taichung: Wentingge Publishing Company, 2012, pp.1385-1405.
  • 2011:
    • "A study of Chi Zijian's All Nights in the World", Hong Kong Literature Quarterly, No. 53 (Apr, 2011), pp.65-72.
  • 2008:
    • "A study of the object-chanting poetry of Liang Bingjun", in Years of Flying High: Hong Kong Literature since 1949, Hong Kong: School of Chinese, The University of Hong Kong, 2008, pp.352-369.
    • "A fusion of classical poetry and folk literature in Wang Zengqi's novels", Journal of Chinese Literary Studies, No.13 (Oct, 2008), pp.56-65.
    • "On the significance of advocating 'Children Reading the Chinese Classics' in Hong Kong", Journal of Shaanxi Normal University, Vol. 37 Sup. (Mar, 2008), pp.92-98.
  • 2007:
    • "The aesthetic features of Fei Ming's novel The Bridge", Hong Kong Literature Monthly, No. 13 (Feb, 2007), pp.63-73.