In 2009, the Senate Committee on Teaching and Learning expressed its concern with the design of the “double-coded” general education curriculum.  With a view to reviewing the design of the “double-coded” general education curriculum, the RCGE compared the data from the Course and Teaching Evaluations and Teacher’s Feedback Forms from the years 2008-2010 in order to gain a better understanding of students’ and teachers’ views on the “double-coded” general education curriculum.  The surveys revealed that students’ learning experiences under the “double-coded” and “non double-coded” general education curricula were very similar, and that teachers also opined that there was little difference in teaching the two curricula.  The survey findings were published in the December 2010 report of the meeting of the Senate Committee on General Education.  The RCGE will also carry out a further analysis of relevant data for the 2010-11 year.