通識科中的「參與式行動研究」(Participatory Action Research)教學法

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Lunch Seminar 通識午餐聚會

通識科中的「參與式行動研究」(Participatory Action Research)教學法
The “Participatory Action Research” (PAR) Approach for GE courses

日期:2022-01-19 (星期三)
時間:12:00 nn to 1:30 pm
地點:許讓成樓7樓701室Rm 701, Hui Yeung Shing Building
形式:ZOOM 網上講座
講者 Speaker : 鄧偉文博士(人類學系) Dr. Tang Wai Man, Wyman (Department of Anthropology)
語言 Language: 廣東話 Cantonese


一般認為,學校學習是抽象、獨立、認知及先決的,不過,這種教學法常與現實世界脫節。在學校環境中,學習者經常在學習後一年內忘記課程內容。然而,許多研究證明,人類不時在實踐中學習;情感、社交及親身體驗往往有助於認知學習,從而轉化為知識。是次講座中,鄧偉文博士將介紹一種名為「參與式行動研究」的教學法,該教學法透過安排學習者在陌生領域進行小型民族誌,嘗試把抽象的學習與實踐經驗連結。檢視參與者的論文功課,研究發現這種教學法有助學習者:1) 識別所學概念之間的微小差異,以及2) 把所學概念與日常生活聯繫。除此以外,研究亦發現在論文功課中有深刻反思的學習者通常在他們的田野研究中有切身的情感、社交和身體體驗。

Brief Description

School learning is often assumed to be abstract, independent, cognitive, and predetermined. Yet, this kind of learning is often disconnected from the lived-in world; in a school setting, learners often forget the course material within a year of completion. Yet, many studies have shown that humans often learn in practice; affective, social, and physical experiences often contribute to cognitive learning and far transfer of knowledge. In this seminar, Dr. Tang introduce a pedagogical approach called “Participatory Action Research” (PAR) which attempts to link abstract learning with actual practice by arranging learners to conduct mini-ethnography in an unfamiliar field. By reviewing their response papers, such an approach is found to engage the learners to 1) identify nuances in learned concepts and 2) relate the learned concepts with their everyday life. Furthermore, learners who have deep reflection in their papers are often found to have close affective, social, and physical encounters in their field.


鄧偉文博士現職於香港中文大學人類學系講師,任教三門通識課:UGEA1333「多元文化與中國」、UGEC1685 「毒品與文化」及UGEC1835「香港文化」,研究興趣包括移民、運動及南亞文化。他目前參與一項與南亞體育運動卡巴迪相關的研究,研究聚焦於該運動對香港跨文化教育的教育價值。除此以外,鄧博士曾榮獲2020通識教育模範教學獎。


Dr. Tang Wai Man, Wyman is a lecturer in Anthropology at The Chinese University of Hong Kong. He has taught three General Education courses, namely, UGEA1333 Multiculturalism and China, UGEC1685 Drugs and Culture and UGEC1835 Culture of Hong Kong. Dr. Tang’s research interests include migration, sports and South Asian cultures. He is currently researching a South Asian sport, kabaddi, with the focus its educative value for intercultural education in Hong Kong. Dr. Tang received the Exemplary Teaching Award in General Education 2020.

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