Criterion-referencing and Devising Grade Descriptors for Implementation of the Outcome-based Approach (OBA) to Assessment
Criterion-referencing and Devising Grade Descriptors for Implementation of the Outcome-based Approach (OBA) to Assessment
Speaker: Professor Chun Ka Wai Cecilia, Director, Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research
Date: 11 December 2017 (Monday)
Language: English
In line with the revised University Assessment Policy approved by the Senate in December 2016 for implementation with effect from 2017-18, the outcome-based approach (OBA), accompanied by criterion-referencing and grade descriptors, shall be in place for course assessment across the University from the 2017-18 academic year.
The Senate Committee on General Education (SCGE) reckons that full implementation of criterion-referencing and grade descriptors at once would be difficult and thus supports that a mixed model of criterion-referencing and norm-referencing would be adopted during the interim year of 2017-18. To pave the way for full implementation of criterion-referencing in General Education (GE), teaching units and Colleges are recently invited to develop grade descriptors for their existing GE courses.
About this GE Lunch Seminar
To start off the discussion and the process, the Director of the Centre for Learning Enhancement And Research (CLEAR) is invited to conduct this GE lunch seminar on devising grade descriptors for the implementation of the OBA to assessment. Apart from outlining the general background and context of OBA and criterion-referencing at CUHK, the various factors to be considered in devising suitable grade descriptors for different types of assessment components will be discussed. Reference will be made to the sample grade descriptors put up by CLEAR, as well as to some examples of grade descriptors already adopted or to be adopted by some GE teachers. Teachers and staff members of the teaching departments/units and of the Colleges are most welcome to attend this seminar and join the discussion.
Speakers’ Bio
Upon obtaining a B.A. degree in English, Professor Chun Ka Wai Cecilia worked as a school teacher of English. Then, she worked as a Teaching Consultant in the Faculty of Education of the University of Hong Kong for 11 years. In 1994, she joined the Faculty of Education of CUHK as a lecturer, then assistant professor and associate professor.
At CUHK, Professor Chun was the co-ordinator of a double-degree programme in English language education. She served as the Associate Dean (Student Affairs), Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies) and Director of Undergraduate Studies of the Faculty of Education.
Professor Chun has over 30 years’ experience in teacher education, working with teachers of various levels of schooling on local and non-local initial teacher education and continuing professional development programmes. Her research interests include second language reading, using English as a medium of learning, English across the curriculum, academic literacy in a second language, pedagogical content knowledge of teachers of English and second language teacher education.
Presentation Powerpoint (login required)
Example of Assessment Criteria and Alignment with Learning Outcomes (login required)