Undergraduate Education
Postgraduate Education
Certificate Course in Medical Microbiology
Joint Graduate Student Seminar Presentation Files
Presentation Files 2022
The Exploitation of Probiotics; A Potential Therapy to Modulate and Eliminate Human Gut Resistome?
Sepsis and Microbiome
Synthesizing the Human Gut Microbiome
The Application of Machine Learning Models in Predicting Antimicrobial Resistance with Genomic Data: The Opportunities and Challenges
Single-cell Analysis and its Application in Virology
Application of 3D Organoid Model for Viral Cancer Research
Vaccine Therapies for Cancer: A Challenging and Promising Landscape
Small Molecules Targeting RNA for Novel Antibiotic Discovery
Viral Hijacking of G-protein-coupled-receptor Signaling Pathways
Mechanomicrobiology: From Single Cells to Biofilms
The Application of Synthetic Artificial Bacteria in Plastic Degradation
Presentation Files 2021
Viral and Nonviral Drug Delivery Systems
The Roles and Future of Predictive Microbiology in Food
The Role of Microbiota in Pneumonia
Nanocoatings for Preventing Biofilm Formation on Medical Devices
Rapid Detection of COVID-19 by CRISPR-Cas Systems
Modulation of Gut Microbiota through Intermittent Fasting; a Potential Approach to Metabolic Diseases
How to Define a Microbial Species
Impact of Dietary Sugars & Artificial Sweeteners on Gut Microbiota and Human Health
Colorectal Cancer Associated Probiotics and Pathogenic Bacteria
Targeted Protein Degradation as Emergent Antiviral Therapeutics
Oncolytic Virus Therapy
Tackling Efflux Pumps in Mycobacterium tuberculosis to Combat Antimicrobial Resistance
Bacteria and Pain
An Introduction to Virulence Factors of Bacterial Pathogens
To Be or Not to Be-Fitness Cost of Antibiotic Resistance
L-form Bacteria and their Role in Antimicrobial Resistance
Unexpected Guests in Tumor Micro Environment: Human Microbiota and Cancer
Presentation Files 2019
Drug Repurposing for Antimicrobial Discovery
Etiology of Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Therapeutic Strategy of Cervical Cancer in New Era
How Does Measles Give You "Immune Amnesia"?
Contribution of Gut Microbiota to Development of Hypertension
Climate Change and Respiratory Infections
Metabolic Cross-feeding in Gut Microbiota
Imaging Techniques in Host-microbiome Interactions, Early Diagnosis and Monitoring of Bacterial Infections
The Gut Virome: A Neglected Actor in Colorectal Cancer
Bacteriophage Therapy as A novel Tool for Foodborne Pathogens
Carbapenem-Resistant Acinetobacter baumannii: Update on Molecular Epidemiology, Treatment and Infection Control
Virome and Human Health
Computational Methods for Virus-host Interactions Prediction
Gut Metabolome Helps to Understand the Relationship between Host and Microbe
Presentation Files 2018
Machine Learning and Prediction of Antimicrobial Resistance
Phage Therapy: An Alternative to Antibiotics in the Era of Multi-drug Resistance
Quorum Sensing in the Gut Microbiome and its Applications
Reduction in Cancer Risk with Mediterranean Diet
Bacteriophages in Human Gut Microbiome
Gut Microbial Strategies for Harvesting Glycans
Cleansing Light: Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy
Engineered Bacteria for Therapeutic Treatment
Application of CRISPR/Cas System in Nucleic Acid Detection
Lesson Learned from Emerging Infectious Diseases: are We Ready for the Next Pandemic?
Association between F. nucleatum and Colorectal Cancer (CRC)
Insights and Applications of Bacterial Outer Membrane Vesicles
Systems Biology meets Medical Virology
Presentation Files 2017
Cloud Computing and its Application in Microbiome Data Analysis
Connecting the dots: Norovirus, Gut microbiota and Post-infectious IBS
Fecal Microbiota Transplantation: How it's Done, How it Works, and What Challenges Does it Face
Follow Your Gut Feeling – Gut Microbiota and Brain
Gut Microbiome and Hygiene Hypothesis on Explaining Allergic Diseases
Gut Microbiota and Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD): Causation or Correlation?
Gut Microbiota Regulate Host Longevity
Gut-Lung Axis- Implication of the Gut Microbiota beyond its Niche
Impact of Gut Microbiota on Xenobiotic/drug Metabolism
Molecular Evolution of Bacteriophage
Norovirus and Gut Microbiota: Friend or Foe?
Optimisation of Fecal Sample Processing Benefits Metagenomic Studies of Human Gut Microbiota
Supervised Learning Methods for Gut Microbiota Signature Identification
Exact Sequence Variants should Replace Operational Taxonomic Units in Comparison Analysis of Gut Microbiome
Presentation Files 2016
DNA Methylation - a Potential Clinical Biomarker for the Detection of Human Cancers
Assembly of Human Gut Microbiota During Early Life
Bacteria and Cancer: Causes and Coincidences
Molecular Epidemiology and Transmission of Two Deadly Human Viruses — The Ebola Virus and Lassa Virus
Synthetic Microbes-An Overview of These Multipurpose Microbial Tools
Koch's Postulates for Pathogen Discovery Today
Autophagy and Bacterial Infection : a Competition for Survival
Treatment with Human Papillomavirus Targeted Tumor-infiltrating T Cells in Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma
Applications of RNA -seq in Microbiology
Population-based Analysis of Gut Microbiome Variation
Colonization and Entry by Bacterial Pathogens
The Extensive Existing Manipulation of Host-cell Pathways by Bacterial Pathogens
Microbiota, Probiotics and Cancer
Presentation Files 2015
Photodynamic Therapy: a New Antimicrobial Approach to Infectious Disease
Virus's Control Over Host's Behavior
Strategies of Biofilm Disruption
The Hologenome Theory of Evolution
HPV Trafficking and Viral Entry Mechanisms
The Role of the PD-1/PD-l1 Signal Pathway in Immune Resistance of HPV-associated Head and Neck Squamous Cell Carcinoma(HNSCC)
Interplay between Viruses and the Last Universal Common Ancestor
Quorum Sensing in Yeast
Competition and Stability- a New Perspective on the Microecology
Nitrate Reduction in Bacteria
Conducting Microbiome Study: a "How To " Guide
The Oxidative Stress Network of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in Radical Detoxification Systems
Presentation Files 2014
CRISPR-Cas Systems - an Insight into Next Generation Antimicrobials
In Vivo Studies on Virus Virulence
Mutualistic Viruses with Different Species
Nitrogen Metabolism in Mycobacterium tuberculosis Physiology and Virulence
Bacterial Persisters - a Thorny Problem in Clinical Antibiotic Treatment
New Strategies for Combating Multidrug-resistant Bacteria
Some Instances of Updated Nanotechnology Applied in Microbiology
The Oncoproteins of Human Tumor Viruses
Virus and PAH-induced Carcinogenesis
The Regulation of Dormant in Mycobacterium: an Indispensable Part during the Mtb Infections
Use of Pyrosequencing in Clinical Microbiology Laboratory
Revisiting the Central Dogma - The Role of Small RNA in Bacteria
Presentation Files 2013
Culturomics: Back to Basics in Microbiology in the Genomic era
Virus Infection and Breast Cancer
Cutaneous HPV: a Possible Cause of Skin Cancer
Detection of Mobile Genetic Elements in Bacterial Genomes
Uses of Bacteriophages
Fecal Microbiota Transplantation: The Promise of an Old Therapy
Persister Cells, Dormancy and Tolerance to Antimicrobials
The Mystery of HPV E7 Protein
Presentation Files 2012
Human Microbiome, the neglected organ
Transmission ratio distortion in nature
Exploring the evolution of MRSA with whole genome sequencing
Quorum sensing in Staphylococcus aureus
Magnetotactic Bacteria : Bacteria with compasses
A graph clustering algorithm and its application to gene family classification
Environmental factors in virus-associated human cancers
Virus-associated human cancers
Presentation Files 2011
Microfluidic PCR in Diagnostic Microbiology
Vaccination and Virulence Evolution
Solving Protein Structure by Gamers Playing Foldit
Human Rhinovirus: An Ancient Enemy or a Wise Old Tutor
Use of Molecular Typing Methods for Investigation of Legionella Infection
Symbiosis : An Animal-bacterial Association
Evolutionary Dynamics of Human Papillomavirus
Translational Accuracy Regulates Competence in Streptococcus pneumoniae
Presentation Files 2010
Animal Models of Sepsis
Bacterial Growth Conditions: That is the Question
Gut Microbiota and You
Host-Pathogen Relationship in 3D
Human Oncogenic Viruses and Cancer
Modern Application of Botulinum Toxin - A Neurotoxin from Clostridium botulinum
Network Models of Phage-Bacteria Coevolution
p53 - The Demons of the Guardian of the Genome
The Threaten of Lethal Viruses
Presentation Files 2009
Short Interfering RNAs (siRNAs)
Contact-dependent signaling in bacteria
Comparative Genomic Analysis for a Clinical GBS Group in the Streptococcus Pangenome Model
Nanogold technology in Microbiology
The Interplay of Human Papillomavirus Early Proteins
Methylation and Human Disesases
The Development of Anti-Tuberculosis Drugs