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In order to promote the discipline in Hong Kong, the Research Institute for the Humanities (RIH) of The Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK) came to an agreement with the Islamic Cultural Association (Hong Kong) on 31 July 2013. With sponsorship provided by the latter under the agreement, RIH launched the ‘Islamic Studies Initiative’ (ISI) on 13 September 2013. On 12 May 2015, ISI was approved by the management of the university to become the Centre for the Study of Islamic Culture (CSIC).
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International Conference: Islamic Civilization in Multiple Perspectives
Release time:2015-11-22 11:30:56
Date: 13 September 2013 (Friday)
Organizer: Research Institute for the Humanities, the Chinese University of Hong Kong
Sponsor: Islamic Cultural Association (Hong Kong)
Venue: Cho Yiu Hall, The Chinese University of Hong Kong
Islam is a world religion as well as a major civilization in the world. Muslims presently make up 20% of the world population and the number is growing exponentially. Interests in Islam have been increased dramatically in recent years partly because of the important roles of Islamic countries in the global economy and world politics. Apart from Arab countries, Islam also plays an important role in Asia.Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim populations. In China, a great number of Muslim populations are living within its territory. The fact is often overlooked in the discussion of Islamic culture.
Islam is a world religion as well as a major civilization in the world. Muslims presently make up 20% of the world population and the number is growing exponentially. Interests in Islam have been increased dramatically in recent years partly because of the important roles of Islamic countries in the global economy and world politics. Apart from Arab countries, Islam also plays an important role in Asia.Indonesia is the country with the largest Muslim populations. In China, a great number of Muslim populations are living within its territory. The fact is often overlooked in the discussion of Islamic culture.
Conference Participants:
PAN Shijie (Henan Academy of Social Sciences)
DING Shiren (Director of Institute of Islamic Culture Studies, Lanzhou University)
QI Xueyi (Lecturer of College of Oriental Languages and Literature, Shanghai International Studies University)
LIN Chang-kuan (Head of Department of Arabic Language and Culture, National Chengchi University)
TSAI Yuan-lin (Associate Professor of Graduate Institute of Religious Studies, National ChengchiUnviersity)
HSIUNG Ping-chen (Director of Research Institute for the Humanities, CUHK)
POO Mu-chou (Professor of History, CUHK)
LAI Pan Chiu (Associate Dean of Arts, CUHK)
TAM Wai Lun (Professor of Cultural and Religious Studies, CUHK)
XUE Yu (Director of Centre for the Study of Humanistic Buddhism, CUHK)
LU Pengzhi (Visiting scholar,EFEO -ÉcoleFrançaised'Extrême-OrientCentre)
KUNG Lap Yan (Associate Professor of Divinity School of Chung Chi College, CUHK)
YU Chi Chung (Lecturer, General Education Foundation Programme, CUHK)
Paul James O'Connor (Adjunct Assistant Professors, Department of Anthropology, CUHK)
SUO Yanmei (Senior Lecturer, Faculty of Language and Communication, UniversitiPendidikan Sultan idris)
Keynote Speaker: Prof. Ibrahim M. Zain
Seminar Panel I (Chair: Prof. Poo Mu-chou)
Seminar Panel II (Chair: Prof. Lai Pan Chiu)
Roundtable Talk (Chair: Prof. Tam Wai Lun)
Tea Break
Group Photo