Research, Administrative and Honorary Staff
Elite Alumni Microbiologists
Hospital Staff
Department Photo Album
Elite Alumni Microbiologists
To uphold the quality of teaching and to enrich the clinical exposure for our medical students, we have invited a group of senior clinical microbiologists to assist our undergraduate teaching. This group of “Elite Alumni Microbiologists” who graduated from our faculty are devoted to nourish their juniors to become successful clinical microbiologists. As honorary staff of our department, they assist in conducting practical classes and delivering lectures. Furthermore, they provide opportunity of clinical laboratory attachment to selected students. This is a valuable chance for students with a strong interest in clinical microbiology to have an early exposure and appreciation of the specialty of clinical microbiology.  
Dr. Kitty SC Fung
United Christian Hospital
Dr. WK To
Princess Margaret Hospital

Dr. Christopher KC Lai
Associate Consultant
Queen Elizabeth Hospital

Dr. Rita WY Ng
Associate Consultant
Prince of Wales Hospital

Dr. W K Luk
Senior Medical Officer
Tseung Kwan O Hospital
Dr. Kar Ki Chik
Associate Consultant
Princess Margaret Hospital