Professor Director of Paediatric Anaesthesia Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care The Chinese University of Hong Kong Honorary Consultant Prince of Wales Hospital Shatin, NT Hong Kong SAR |
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For details about citations arising from my publications and links to online versions of some of the publications, refer to: (Researcher ID:J-9370-2013)
- Karmakar MK, Areeruk P, Mok LYH, Sivakumar RK. Ultrasound-guided selective trunk block to produce surgical anesthesia of the whole upper extremity: A case report. A A Pract. 2020 July 01;14(9):e01274.
- Pangthipampai P, Karmakar MK, Songthamwat B, Pakpirom J, Samy W. Ultrasound-guided multilevel thoracic paravertebral block and its efficacy for surgical anesthesia during primary breast cancer surgery. J Pain Res. 2020 July 09;13:1713-23.
- Ho AM, Ho AK, Mizubuti GB, Klar G, Karmakar MK. Regional analgesia for patients with traumatic rib fractures: A narrative review. J Trauma Acute Care Surg. 2020 January 01;88(1):e22-30.
- Karmakar MK, Pakpirom J, Songthamwat B, Areeruk P. High definition ultrasound imaging of the individual elements of the brachial plexus above the clavicle. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2020 May 01;45(5):344-50.
- Sivakumar RK, Areeruk P, Karmakar MK. Selective trunk block (SeTB): A simple alternative to hybrid brachial plexus block techniques for proximal humeral fracture surgery during the COVID-19 pandemic. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2021 April 01;46(4):376-8.
- Sivashanmugam T, Maurya I, Kumar N, Karmakar MK. Reply to: Ipsilateral hemidiaphragmatic paresis after a supraclavicular and costoclavicular brachial plexus block. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2020 May 01;37(5):417-8.
- Wong MH, Karmakar MK, Mok LYH, Songthamwat B, Samy W. Minimum effective volume of 0.5% ropivacaine for ultrasound-guided costoclavicular brachial plexus block: A dose finding study. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2020 September 01;37(9):780-6.
- Lonnqvist PA, Karmakar MK. Accumulating marginal gains. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2021 May 01;46(5):459,101719. Epub 2020 Jun 21.
- Lonnqvist PA, Karmakar M. Response to comments on our editorial. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2020 February 01;64(2):277.
- Areeruk P, Sivakumar RK, Karmakar MK. Brachial plexus blockade with anomalous location of the T1 ventral ramus at the supraclavicular fossa. Br J Anaesth. 2020;125(5):e412-4. Available from:
- Lonnqvist PA, Karmakar MK, Richardson J, Moriggl B. Response to dr howle and collegues. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2020 November 11
- Lonnqvist PA, Karmakar MK, Richardson J, Moriggl B. Response to comments by dr forero to our daring discourse. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2020 November 17
- Pangthipampai P, Tangwiwat S, Pakpirom J, Songthamwat B, Karmakar MK. Ultrasound visualization of the anatomy relevant for lumbar plexus block: Comparison of the paramedian transverse and shamrock scan technique. Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2019 March 18
- Sivashanmugam T, Maurya I, Kumar N, Karmakar MK. Ipsilateral hemidiaphragmatic paresis after a supraclavicular and costoclavicular brachial plexus block: A randomised observer blinded study. Eur J Anaesthesiol. 2019 October 01;36(10):787-95.
- Lonnqvist PA, Karmakar M. Close-to-the-nerve vs interfascial plane blocks: Sniper rifle vs shotgun-which will hit the target most reliably? Acta Anaesthesiol Scand. 2019 October 01;63(9):1126-8.
- Beh ZY, Osman A, Fathil S, Karmakar MK. Ultrasound guided interscalene brachial plexus block with low dose sedation - Technique of choice for reducing shoulder dislocation. Am J Emerg Med. 2018;36(4):717-8.
- Chang KV, Lin CP, Lin CS, Wu WT, Karmakar MK, Ozcakar L. Sonographic tracking of trunk nerves: essential for ultrasound-guided pain management and research. J Pain Res. 2017;10:79-88.
- Karmakar MK, Samy W, Lee A, Li JW, Chan WC, Chen PP, Tsui BCH. Survival Analysis of Patients with Breast Cancer Undergoing a Modified Radical Mastectomy With or Without a Thoracic Paravertebral Block: a 5-Year Follow-up of a Randomized Controlled Trial. Anticancer Res. 2017;37(10):5813-20.
- Li JW, Songthamwat B, Samy W, Sala-Blanch X, Karmakar MK. Ultrasound-Guided Costoclavicular Brachial Plexus Block Sonoanatomy, Technique, and Block Dynamics. Region Anesth Pain M. 2017;42(2):233-40.
- Ho AMH, Karmakar MK, Ng SK, Wan S, Ng CSH, Wong RHL, Chan SKC, Joynt GM. Local anaesthetic toxicity after bilateral thoracic paravertebral block in patients undergoing coronary artery bypass surgery. Anaesth Intens Care. 2016;44(5):615-9.
- Ho AM, Holcomb JB, Ng CS, Zamora JE, Karmakar MK, Dion PW. The traditional vs "1:1:1" approach debate on massive transfusion in trauma should not be treated as a dichotomy. Am J Emerg Med 2015; 33(10); 1501-4. doi: 10.1016/j.ajem.2015.06.065.
- Ho AM, Zamora JE, Holcomb JB, Ng CS, Karmakar MK, Dion PW. The Many Faces of Survivor Bias in Observational Studies on Trauma Resuscitation Requiring Massive Transfusion. Ann Emerg Med 2015; 66(1); 45-8. doi: 10.1016/j.annemergmed.2014.12.030.
- Karmakar MK, Li JW, Kwok WH, Hadzic A. Ultrasound-guided lumbar plexus block using a transverse scan through the lumbar intertransverse space: a prospective case series. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2015; 40(1); 75-81. doi: 10.1097/AAP.0000000000000168.
- Karmakar MK, Sala-Blanch X, Songthamwat B, Tsui BC. Benefits of the costoclavicular space for ultrasound-guided infraclavicular brachial plexus block: description of a costoclavicular approach. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2015; 40(3); 287-8. doi: 10.1097/AAP.0000000000000232.
- Li X, Li JW, Ho AM, Karmakar MK. Age-related differences in the quantitative echo texture of the median nerve. J Ultrasound Med 2015; 34(5); 797-804. doi: 10.7863/ultra.34.5.797.
- Sivashanmugam T, Ray S, Ravishankar M, Jaya V, Selvam E, Karmakar MK. Randomized Comparison of Extrafascial Versus Subfascial Injection of Local Anesthetic During Ultrasound-Guided Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2015; 40(4); 337-43. doi: 10.1097/AAP.0000000000000264.
- Karmakar MK, Samy W, Li JW, Lee A, Chan WC, Chen PP, Ho AM. "Thoracic paravertebral block and its effects on chronic pain and health-related quality of life after modified radical mastectomy." Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2014 Jul-Aug. 289-298
- Karmakar MK, Shariat AN, Pangthipampai P, Chen J. "Reply to Drs Wolf and Gray." Reg Anesth Pain Med. 2014 May-Jun. 261-262
- Marhofer D, Karmakar MK, Marhofer P, Kettner SC, Weber M, Zeitlinger M. "Does circumferential spread of local anaesthetic improve the success of peripheral nerve block?" Br J Anaesth. 2014 Jul. 177-185
- KWOK WH and KARMAKAR MK. "Fusions dimages (echo-TDM et echo-IRM)". Echographie En Anesthesie Regionale Peripherique, Medullaire Et Perimedullaire ed. by Eryk EISENBERG, Elisabeth GAERTNER. 2 ed. pp.60-70. France: ARNETTE, 2014.
- KARMAKAR MK. ed. Musculoskeletal Ultrasound for Regional Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine. vol.1 427 pgs. Hong Kong SAR: Department of Anaesthesia and Intensive Care, The Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2014.
- Karmakar MK, Kwok WH. "Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia". A Practice of Anesthesia for Infants and Children. Ed. by Charles J. Cote, Jerrold Lerman, Brain J Anderson. Elsevier Saunders. 2013. 5 Ed. Chapter 42, p880-908.
- Ho AMH, Dion PW, Ng CSH, Karmakar MK. "Understanding Immortal Time Bias in Observational Cohort Studies". Anaesthesia 2013;68 ;126-130.
- Kwok WH, Wong MK, Ho AMH, Critchley LAH, Karmakar MK. "Left Mainstem Bronchial Tear Manifesting as Sudden Upsurge in End-Tidal CO2 During Thoracoscopic Tracheoespophageal Fistula Repair". Journal of Cardiothoracic and Vascular Anesthesia 2013;27 ;539-541.
- Soh E, Karmakar MK. "Assessment of the Spine with CT and MRI Prior to Interspinous/Interlaminar Spinal Procedures: A Pictorial Review". Br J Radiol 2013;86 ; 7 pgs.
- Or DYL, Karmakar MK, Lam GCS, Hui JWY, Li JW, Chen PP. "Multiplanar 3D Ultrasound Imaging to Assess the Anatomy of the Upper Airway and Measure the Subglottic and Tracheal Diameters in Adults". The British Journal of Radiology 2013;86. 13 pgs.
- Karmakar MK, Shariat AN, Pangthipampai P, Chen JP. "High-Definition Ultrasound Imaging Defines the Paraneural Sheath and the Fascial Compartments Surrounding the Sciatic Nerve at the Popliteal Fossa". Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2013;38 ;447-451.
- Karmakar MK, Li JW, Kwok WH, Soh E, Hadzic A . "Sonoanatomy Relevant for Lumbar Plexus Block in Volunteers Correlated With Cross-Sectional Anatomic and Magnetic Resonance Images". Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2013;38 ;391-397.
- Ho AMH, Dion PW, Holcomb JB, Wong RHL, Ng CSH, Karmakar MK, Gin T. "Reverse Survivor Bias in Observational Studies Involving Cohorts: A Lesson from '1:1' Trauma Studies". Hong Kong Medical Journal 2013;19 ;461-463.
- Tighe SQM, Karmakar MK. "Serratus Plane Block: Do We Need to Learn Another Technique for Thoracic Wall Blockade?" Anaesthesia 2013;68(11);1103-1106.
- Karmakar MK, Vandepitte C. Ultrasound-Guided Neuraxial and Perineuraxial Blocks - Introduction. Hadzics Peripheral Nerve Blocks and Anatomy for Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia ed by Admir HADZIC, A. Carrera, T. Clark, J. Gadsden, M. Karmakar, X. Sala-Blanch, C. Vandepitte, D. Xu. 2nd Ed. USA: McGrawHill Medical, 2012;473-474.
- Hadzic A, Carrera A, Clark T, Gadsden J, Karmakar MK, Sala-Blanch X, VandepitteE C, Xu D. Hadzic's Peripheral Nerve Blocks and Anatomy for Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia. Associate Editors. USA: McGrawHill Medical, 2012;2:722 pgs.
- Kwok WH, Karmakar MK. Spinal Sonography and Considerations for Ultrasound-Guided Central Neuraxial Blockade. Hadzic's Peripheral Nerve Blocks and Anatomy for Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia ed. By Admir HADZIC, A. Carrera, T. Clark, J. Gadsden, M. Karmakar, X. Sala-Blanch, C. Vandepitte, D. Xu. 2nd Ed. USA: McGrawHill Medical, 2012;475-495.
- Karmakar MK, Vandepitte C. Ultrasound of the Lumbar Paravertebral Space and Considerations for Lumbar Plexus Block. Hadzi's Peripheral Nerve Blocks and Anatomy for Ultrasound-Guided Regional Anesthesia . By Admir HADZIC, A. Carrera, T. Clark, J. Gadsden, M. Karmakar, X. Sala-Blanch, C. Vandepitte, D. Xu. 2nd Ed. USA: McGrawHill Medical, 2012;503-508.
- Li J, Karmakar MK, Li X, Kwok WH, Ngan Kee WD. Regional Hemodynamic Changes after an Axillary Brachial Plexus Block (A Pulsed-Wave Doppler Ultrasound Study). Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2012;37:111-118.
- Karmakar MK, Li X, Li J, Sala-Blanch X, Hadzic A, Gin T. Three-Dimensional/Four-Dimensional Volumetric Ultrasound Imaging of the Sciatic Nerve. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2012;37:60-66.
- Ho AMH, Ricci JC, Ng CSH, Critchley LAH, Ho AK, Karmakar MK, Cheung CW, Ng SK. The Medial-Transverse Approach for Internal Jugular Vein Cannulation: An Example of Lateral Thinking. The Journal of Emergency Medicine 2012;42:174-177.
- Pintaric TS, Veranic P, Hadzic A, Karmakar MK, Cvetko E. Electron-Microscopic Imaging of Endothoracic Fascia in the Thoracic Paravertebral Space in Rats. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2012;37:215-218.
- Ho AMH, Dion WP, Yeung HH, Holcomb BJ, Critchley LAH, Ng CSH, Karmakar MK, Cheung CW, Rainer T. Prevalence of Survivor Bias in Observational Studies on Fresh Frozen Plasma: Erythrocyte Ratios in Trauma Requiring Massive Transfusion. Anesthesiology 2012;116:716-728.
- Li X, Karmakar MK, Lee A, Kwok WH, Critchley LAH, Gin T. Quantitative Evaluation of The Echo Intensity of The Median Nerve and Flexor Muscles of The Foreman in The Young and The Elderly. The British Journal of Radiology 2012;85:e140-e145.
- Karmakar MK, Li X, Kwok WH, Ho AMH, Ngan Kee WD. Sonoanatomy Relevant for Ultrasound-Guided Central Neuraxial Blocks via The Paramedian Approach in The Lumbar Region. The British Journal of Radiology 2012;85:e262-e269.
- Karmakar MK, Li J, Li X, Hadzic A. Volumetric Three-Dimensional Ultrasound Imaging of the Anatomy Relevant for Thoracic Paravertebral Block. Anesth Analg 2012;115:1246-1250.
- Karmakar MK. Ultrasound-Guided Thoracic Paravertebral Block. In: Samer N Narouze. Atlas of Ultrasound Guided Procedures in Interventional Pain Management. Springer Science Business Media, LLC, 2011;133-148, [ISBN 978 1 4419 1679 2].
- Karmakar MK. Ultrasound-Guided Central Neuraxial Blocks. In: Samer N Narouze. Atlas of Ultrasound Guided Procedures in Interventional Pain Management. Springer Science Business Media, LLC, 2011;161-178, [ISBN 978 1 4419 1679 2].
- Chin KJ, Karmakar MK, Peng P. Ultrasonography of the Adult Thoracic and Lumbar Spine for Central Neuraxial Blockade. Anesthesiology 2011;114:1459-1485.
- Cheung MN, Karmakar MK. Right Thoracic Paravertebral Anaesthesia for Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation of Liver Tumours. Br J Radiol 2011;84:785-789.
- Li X, Karmakar MK, Li J, Gin T. Reproducibility of "Off-Cart" Measurements of Musculoskeletal Structures in Ultrasound Images. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2011;36:512, A59.
- Karmakar MK, Ho AMH, Lee A, Samy W, Chan WC, Gin T. Thoracic Paravertebral Block Reduces Symptoms and Severity of Chronic Pain and Improves HealthRelated Quality of Life After Breast Cancer Surgery. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2011;36:512, A61.
- Li JW, Karmakar MK, Li X, Samy W, Kwok WH. Does a Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block Induce Greater Changes in Regional Hemodynamics than an Axillary Brachial Plexus Block?. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2011;36:513, A70.
- Li JW, Bourke A, Li X, Karmakar MK. Measurement of Regional Hemodynamic Parameters in the Upper Extremity Using Pulse-Wave Doppler Ultrasound: A Reliability Study. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2011;36:514, A92.
- Li JW, Karmakar MK, Li X, Samy W, Kwok WH. Does a Supraclavicular Brachial Plexus Block Induce Comparable Hemodynamic Changes in the Proximal and Distal Arteries of the Upper Extremity?. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2011;36:518, A153.
- Li X, Karmakar MK, Li JW, Gin T. Quantitative Evaluation of the Echotexture of the Median Nerve in the Young and the Elderly. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2011;36:518, A154.
- Li X, Karmakar MK, Li JW, Gin T. Quantitative Evaluation of the Changes in Echogenicity of the Sciatic Nerve During an Ultrasound Guided Sciatic Nerve Block. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2011;36:519, A155.
- Li JW, Karmakar MK, Li X, Kwok WH, Ngan Kee WD. Gelatin-Agar Lumbosacral Spine Phantom: A Simple Model for Learning the Basic Skills Required to Perform Real-time Sonographically Guided Central Neuraxial Blocks. Journal of Ultrasound in Medicine 2011;30:263-272.
- Ho AMH, Karmakar MK, Critchley LAH. Acute Pain Management of Patients with Multiple Fractured Ribs: a Focus on Regional Techniques. Current Opinion in Critical Care 2011;17:323-327.
- Sala-Blanch X, Vandepitte C, Laur JJ, Horan P, Xu D, Reina MA, Karmakar MK, Clark TB, Hadzic A. A Practical Review of Perineural Versus Intraneural Injections: A Call for Standard Nomenclature. International Anesthesiology Clinics 2011;49:1-12.
- Ho AMH, Dion PW, Yeung JHH, Ng CSH, Karmakar MK, Critchley LAH, Rainer TH, Cheung CW, Tay BA. Fresh-Frozen Plasma Transfusion Strategy in Trauma with Massive and Ongoing Bleeding. Common (Sense) and Sensibility. Resuscitation 2010;81:1079-1081.
- Kwok WH, Chui PT, Karmakar MK. Pig Carcass Spine Phantom - A Model to Learn Ultrasound-Guided Neuraxial Interventions. Regional Anesthesia and Pain Medicine 2010;35:472-473.
- Chan SK, Lai PB, Li PT, Wong J, Karmakar MK, Lee KF, Gin T. The Analgesic Efficacy of Continuous Wound Instillation with Ropivacaine after Open Hepatic Surgery. Anaestheisa 2010;65:1180-1186.
- Ho AMH, Graham CA, Ng CSH, Yeung JHH, Dion PW, Critchley LAH, Karmakar MK. Timing of Tracheal Intubation in Traumatic Cardiac Tamponande: A Word of Caution. Resuscitation 2009;80:272-274.
- Karmakar MK, Li X, Ho AMH, Kwok WH, Chui PT. Real-time Ultrasound -guided Paramedian Epidural Access: Evaluation of a Novel In-plane Techniques. British Journal of Anaesthesia 2009;102:845-854.
- Ngan Kee WD, Khaw KS, Tan PE, Ng FF, Karmakar MK. Placental Transfer and Fetal Metabolic Efects of Phenylephrine and Ephedrine During Spinal Anesthesia for Cesarean Delivery. Anesthesiology 2009;111:506-512.
- Karmakar MK. Ultrasound Guided Regional Anaesthesia in Children. Clinical Pediatric Anesthesia 2009;15:69.
- Karmakar MK. Ultrasound for Central Neuraxial Blocks. Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management 2009;13:161-170.
- Karmakar MK. Ultrasound-Guided Thoracic Paravertebral Blocks. Techniques in Regional Anesthesia and Pain Management 2009;13:142-149.
- Ho AMH, Ng SK, Tsang KHS, Au SW, Ng CSH, Critchley LAH, Karmakar MK. A Technique That May Improve the Reliability of Endobronchial Blocker Poitioning During Adult One-Lung Anaesthesia. Anaesth Intensive Care 2009;37:1012-1016.
Aun CST, Karmakar MK. Anesthesia for Pediatric Laparoscopy. In: Bax KMA, Georgeson KE, Rothenberg SS, Valla J, Yeung CK eds. Endoscopic Surgery in Infants and Children. 1st ed. Springer, 2008:229-32.
Ho AMH, Karmakar MK, Dion PW. Choosing The Correct Laryngeal Mask Airway Sizes and Cuff Inflation Volumes in Pediatric Patients. J Emerg Med 2008;35:299-300.
Ho AMH, Lee A, Joynt GM, Karmakar MK, Myles P. General Anesthesia With or Without Thoracic Epidural Block for Cardiac Surgery - A Decision Analysis. Can J Anesth 2008;55:473737.
Karmakar MK, Ho AMH, Li X, Kwok WH, Tsang K, Ngan Kee WD. Ultrasound-Guided Lumbar Plexus Block Through the Acoustic Window of the Lumbar Ultrasound Trident. Br J Anaesth 2008;100:533-7.
Li X, Karmakar MK, Lee A, Ho AMH, Critchley LAH, Gin T. Quantitative Evaluation of the Echogenicity of Peripheral Nerve in Young and Elderly. Suppl Anesth Analg 2008;106:S-241.
Ngan Kee WD, Lee A, Khaw KS, Ng F, Karmakar MK, Gin T. A Randomized Double-Blinded Comparison of Phenylephrine and Ephedrine Infusion Combinations to Maintain Blood Pressure During Spinal Anesthesia for Cesarean Delivery: The Effects on Fetal Acid-Base Status and Hemodynamic Control. Anesth Analg 2008;107:1295-1302.
Ho AMH, Karmakar MK. Intercostal Blocks. In: Hadzic A ed. Text of Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 1st ed. New York, USA: McGraw Hill, 2007;599-606.
Ho AMH, Karmakar MK. A Simple Addition to the Swivel and Arndt Multiport Adapters to Facilitate Fibre-Optic Bronchoscopy in Small Children. Ann R Coll Surg Engl 2007;89:532.
Ho AMH, Karmakar MK, Critchley LAH, Tay BA. Vascular Air Embolism: Lung Injury and Its Pathophysiology Also Need to Be Considered. Anesthesiology 2007;107:853.
Ho AMH, Lee A, Joynt GM, Karmakar MK. Decision Analysis. Anaesthesia 2007;62:93.
Ho AMH, Lee A, Karmakar MK, Samy W, Lai PB, Ho OA, Cho AMW. Hemostatic Parameters After Hepatectomy for Cancer. Hepatogastroenterology 2007;54:1494-8.
Ho AMH, Wan S, Karmakar MK. Flooding with Carbon Dioxide Prevents Airway Fire Induced by Diathermy During Open Tracheostomy. J Trauma 2007;63:228-31.
Ho AMH, Wong JCP, Chui PT, Karmakar MK. Case Report: Use of Two Ballon-Tipped Catheters During Thoracoscopic Repaire of a Type C Tracheoesophageal Fistual in a Neonate. Can J Anaesth 2007;54:223-6.
Karmakar MK. Ultrasound Guided Interventions in Paediatric Anaesthesia. Clin Pediatr Anesth 2007;13:53-4.
Karmakar MK, Ho AMH. Thoracic and Lumbar Paravertebral Blocks. In: Hadzic A ed. Text of Regional Anesthesia and Acute Pain Management. 1st ed. USA, 2007;583-97.
Karmakar MK, Kwok WH, Ho AMH, Tsang K, Chui PT, Gin T. Ultrasound-Guided Sciatic Nerve Block: Description of a New Approach at the Subgluteal Space. Br J Anaesth 2007;93:390-5.
Ngan Kee WD, Khaw KS, Ng FF, Karmakar MK, Critchley LAH, Gin T. A Prospective Comparison of Vasopressor Requirement and Hemodynamic Changes During Spinal Anesthesia for Cesarean Delivery in Patients with Multiple Gestation Versus Singleton Pregency. Anesth Analg 2007;104:407-11.
Ngan Kee WD, Tam YH, Khaw KS, Ng F, Critchley LAH, Karmakar MK. Closed-Loop Computer Controlled Infusion of Phenylephrine Using a Proportional Algorithm for Maintaining Blood Pressure During Spinal Anaesthesia for Caesarean Section: A Preliminary Descriptive. Anaesthesia 2007;62:1251-6.
Ho AMH, Chung DCW, Karmakar MK, Gomersall CD, Peng Z, Tay BA. Dynamic Airflow Limitation after Upper Airway Anaesthesia. Anaesth Intensive Care 2006;34:211-5.
Ho AMH, Karmakar MK,. Cuffed Versus Uncuffed Pediatric Endotracheal Tubes. Can J Anaesth 2006;53:106.
Ho AMH, Karmakar MK. Facilitating Endotracheal Tube Advancement During Fiberscope-assisted Intubation: Giving Due Credit. Anesthesiology 2006;104:376.
Karmakar MK. The Impact of Ultrasound and the Practicalities of Hand-Carried Systems in All Aspects of Anaesthesia. SonoSite Company Publications 2006.
Lee A, Fan LTY, Gin T, Karmakar MK, Ngan Kee WD. A Systemic Revicw (Meta-Analysis) of the Accuracy of the Mallampati Tests to Predict the Difficult Airway. Anesth Analg 2006;102:1867-78.
Ho AMH, Chen S, Karmakar MK. Central Apnoea After Balanced General Anaesthesia that Included Dexmedetomidine. Br J Anaesth 2005;95:773-5.
Ho AMH, Dion PW, Karmakar MK, Jenkins CR. Accuracy of Central Venous Pressure Monitoring During Simultaneous Continuous Infusion Through the Same Catheter. Anaesthesia 2005;60:1027-30.
Ho AMH, Dion PW, Cheng CAY, Karmakar MK, Cheng G, Peng ZY, Ng YW. A Mathematical Model for Fresh Frozen Plasma Transfusion Strategies During Major Trauma Resuscitation with Ongoing Hemorrhage. Can J Surg 2005;48:470-8.
Ho AMH, Jenkins CR, Karmakar MK. Safer Central Venous Access. Anaesthesia 2005;60:617-8.
Ho AMH, Jenkins CR, Karmakar MK, Joynt GM. Expected Utilities of Epidural or IV/IM Opioid Analgesia for Labor. Can J Anaesth 2005;52:A131.
Ho AMH, Joynt GM, Karmakar MK. Ultrasound for Central Venous Cannulation: Economic Evaluation of Cost Effectiveness. Anesthesia 2005;60:408-9.
Ho AMH, Karmakar MK. Acute Lung toxicity after Total Cystectomy. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2005;49:1575.
Ho AMH, Karmakar MK, Dion PW. Are We Giving Enough Coagulation Factors During Major Trauma Resuscitation. Am J Surg 2005;190:479-84.
Ho AMH, Soo G, Lee S, Chung DC, Critchley LAH, Karmakar MK. Images in Anesthesia: Airway Obstruction After Peanut Aspiration - Air Trapping is Due to Airway Distention and Narrowing. Can J Anaesth 2005;52:205-6.
Hu B, Sun LC, Karmakar MK, Cotton P, Gostout CJ, Hawes RH, Kalloo AN, Kantsevoy SV, Pasrcha PJ, Chung SC. Assessing the Adequacy of Endoscopically Tied Knots: A Functional Approach. Endoscopy 2005;37:415-7.
Jenkins CR, Karmakar MK. An Unusual Complications of Interscalene Brachial Plexus Catheterization: Delayed Catheter Migration. Br J Anaesth 2005;95:535-7.
Karmakar MK, Ho AMH, Law Bonita, Gin T, Chung DC. Prospective Randomized Evaluation of the Effects of Combining a Single-Injection Thoracic Paraverteral Block with General Anaesthesia in Patients Undergoing Modified Radical Mastectomy. Anaesth Intensive Care 2005;33:134-5.
Karmakar MK, Ho AMH, Law BK, Wong ASY, Shafer SL, Gin T. Arterial and Venous Pharmacokinetics of Ropivacaine with and without Epinephrine after Thoracic Paravertebral Block. Anesthesiology 2005;103:704-11.
Ho AMH, Griffith JF, Joynt GM, Karmakar MK, Ramsay SJ, Yeung JHH. Cardiac Tamponade and Sternal Fracture. J Trauma 2004;56:212-3.
Ho AMH, Karmakar MK, Cheung M, Lam GCS. Right Thoracic Paravertebral Analgesia for Hepatectomy. Br J Anaesth 2004;93:458-61.
Ho AMH, Karmakar MK, Dion PW. On Research and Originality. Anaesthesia 2004;59:404-5.
Ho AMH, Karmakar MK, Lam WWM, Lam FO, Lee TW, Ng SK, Chung DC. Does the Presence of a Tracheal Bronchus Affect the Margin of Safety of Double-Lumen Tube Placement. Anesth Analg 2004;99:293-5.
Ho AMH, Karmakar MK, Lee A, Samy W, Yi J, Lai PBS, Cho A. The International Normalized Ratio Before and after Hepatectomy. Can J Anaesth 2004;51:A33.
Ho AMH, Lam GCS, Karmakar MK. Potential Eye Injury due to Protective Face Shields. Anesthesiology 2004;100:201.
Karmakar MK, Ho AMH. Epidural Spread Depeds on the Approach Used for Posterior Lumar Plexus Block - Reply. Can J Anaesth 2004;51:516-7.
Karmakar MK, Ho AMH. Postthoracotomy Pain Syndrome. Thorac Surg Clin 2004;14:345-52.
Lam K, Karmakar M, Aun C, Lee A. A Survey of the Cuff Pressure of Endotracheal Tube in Patients Undergoing General Anaesthesia. HKCA Newsl 2004;13:54.
Ho AMH, Chung DC, Karmakar MK. Is the Parker Flex-Tip Tube Really Superior to the Standard Tube for Fiberoptic Orotracheal Intubation? Anesthesiology 2003;59:1236.
Ho AMH, Chung DC, Karmakar MK, Ng SK, Joynt GM, Arifi AA, Wan S, Yim AP. Bilateral Thoracic Paravertebral Block in Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery. Reg Anestha Pain Med 2003;28:A13.
Ho AMH, Dion PW, Karmakar MK. Use of Recombinant Activated Factor VII in Patients with Severe Coagulopathy and Bleeding. Anesthesiology 2003;98:1025-6.
Ho AMH, Karmakar MK. Vascular Injury Secondary to Dilator Insertion during Internal Jugular Vein Cannulation. Anesth Analg 2003;96:907-16.
Ho AMH, Lee A, Chan SKC, Ng SK, Karmakar MK. The Timing for the Use of Heparinase and Thromboelastogeraphy to Prevent Excessive Bleeding After Coronary Artery Bypass Graft Survey. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth 2003;17:413-4.
Ho AMH, Lee A, Karmakar MK, Dion PW, Chung DC, Contardi LAH. Heliox vs Air-Oxygen Mixtures for the Treatment of Patients With Acute Asthma - A Systematic Overview. Chest 2003;123:882-90.
Karmakar MK, Critchley LAH, Ho AMH, Gin T, Lee TW, Yim APC. Continuous Thoracic Paravertebral Infusion of Bupivacaine for Pain Management in Patients With Multiple Fractured Ribs. Chest 2003;123:424-31.
Karmakar MK, Ho AMH. Acute Pain Management of Patients with Multiple Fractured Ribs. J Trauma 2003;54:615-25.
Wong CP, Chui PT, Karmakar MK. Facial Skin Injuries Caused by Adhesive Tapes in a Patient Receiving Cosmetic Skin Exfoliants. Anesth Analg 2003;97:1310-1.
Chan SK, Karmakar MK, Chui PT. Local Anaesthesia Outside the Operating Room. HKMJ 2002;8:106-13.
Ho AHM, Fung KY, Joynt GM, Karmakar MK, Peng Zhiyong. Rigid Cervical Collar and Intracranial Pressure of Patients with Severe Head Injury. J Trauma 2002;53:1185-8.
Ho AMH, Aun CST, Karmakar MK. The Margin of Safety Associated with the Use of Cuffed Paediatric Tracheal Tubes. Anaesthesia 2002;57:173-5.
Ho AMH, Aun CST, Karmakar MK. Margin of Safety for the Uncuffed Tracheal Tube - Reply. Anaesthesia 2002;57:936-7.
Ho AMH, Dion PW, Karmakar MK, Chung DCW, Tay BA. Use of Heliox in Critical Upper Airway Obstruction. Physical and Physiologic Considerations in Choosing the Optimal Helium: Oxygen Mix. Resuscitation 2002;52:297-300.
Ho AMH, Dion PW, Karmakar MK, Lee A. Estimating With Confidence the Risk of Rare Adverse Events, Including Those With Observed Rates of Zero. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2002;27:207-10.
Ho AMH, Karmakar MK. Combined Paravertebral Lumbar Plexus and Parasacral Sciatic Nerve Block for Reducation of Hip Fracture in a Patient with Severe Aortic Stenosis. Can J Anaesth 2002;49:946-50.
Ho AMH, Lim HS, Yim APC, Karmakar MK. The Resolution of ST Segment Depressions After High Right Thoracic Parvaertebral Block During General Anesthesia. Anesth Analg 2002;95:227-8.
Hui JKL, Critchley LAH, Karmakar MK, Lam PKK. Co-Administration of Alfentanil-Propofol Improves Laryngeal Mask Airway Insertion Compared to Fentanyl-Propofol. Can J Anaesth 2002;49:508-12.
Karmakar MK. The Use of a Nerve Stimulator for Thoracic Paravertebral Block. Anaesthesiology 2002;97:521-2.
Karmakar MK, Aun CST, Wong ELY, Wong ASY, Chan SKC, Yeung CK. Ropivacaine Undergoes Slower Systemic Absorption from the Caudal Epidural Space in Children than Bupivacaine. Anaesth Analg 2002;94:259-65.
Karmakar MK, Ho AMH, Law KB, Gin T, Chung CK, Wong ASY, Ng F. Pharmacokinetics of Ropivacaine After Thoracic Paravertebral Block. IMRAPT 2002;14:40.
Lee BB, Ngan Kee WD, Plummer JL, Karmakar MK, Wong ASY. The Effect of the Addition of Epinephrine on Early Systemic Absorption of Epidural Ropivacaine in Humans. Anaesth Analg 2002;95:1402-7.
Ho AMH, Dion P, Karmakar MK, Cheng G, Derrick JL, Chung DC, Tay BA. A Pharmacokinetic Model for Factor VIII Dosing During Active Haemorrhage in Patients With Haemophilia A. Anaesthesia 2001;56:785-90.
Ho AMH, Karmakar MK. Simple Formulas for Preparing Local Anesthetic Solutions for Infusion. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2001;26:382-3.
Ho AMH, Karmakar MK, Contardi LH, Ng SSW, Hewson JR. Excessive Use of Normal Saline in Managing Traumatized Patients in Shock: A Preventable Contributor to Acidosis. J Trauma 2001;51:173-7.
Hui JKL, Critchley LAH, Karmakar MK, Lam PKK. Laryngeal Mask Insertion Using Alfentanil-Propofol. Anaesth Intensive Care 2001;29:647-8.
Karmakar MK. Lymphatic Drainage of the Thoracic Paravertebral Space - A reply. Br J Anaesth 2001;86:453-4.
Karmakar MK. Thoracic Paravertebral Block. Anesthesiology 2001;95:771-80.
Karmakar MK, Chui PT, Joynt GM, Ho AMH. Thoracic Paravertebral Block for Management of Pain Associated With Multiple Fractured Ribs in Patients With Concomitant Lumbar Spinal Trauma. Reg Anesth Pain Med 2001;26:169-72.
Karmakar MK, Gin T, Ho AMH. Ipsilateral Thoraco-Lumbar Anaesthesia and Paravertebral Spread After Low Thoracic Paravertebral Injection. Br J Anaesth 2001;87:312-6.
Karmakar MK, Chung DC. Variability of a Thoracic Paravertebral Block: Are We Ignoring the Endothoracic Fascia? Reg Anesth Pain Med 2000;25:325-7.
Karmakar MK, Kwok WH, Kew J. Thoracic Paravertebral Block: Radiological Evidence of Contralateral Spread Anterior to the Vertebral Bodies. Br J Anaesth 2000;84:263-5.
Karmakar MK, Critchley L. Continous Extrapleural Intrcostal Nerve Block for Post Thoracotomy Anaglesia in Children. Anaesth Inensive Care 1998;26:115-6.
Critchley LAH, Karmakar MK, Cheng JHH, Critchley JAJH. A Study to Determine the Optimum Dose of Mataraminol Required to Increase Blood Pressure by 25% During Subarachnoid Anaesthesia. Anaesth Intensive Care 1999;27:170-4.
Karmakar MK. Paravertebral Somatic Nerve Block for Outpatient Inguinal Herniorrhaphy. Reg Anesth Pain Med 1999;24:96.