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發佈時間:2016-12-08 11:30:56
Talk (I): Islam is not ISIS
Sad but true, to many people, Islam is a synonym for violence and terrorism. But in fact, the word Islam is derived from an Arabic word which means peace. In this talk, our speaker will give you a real picture of Islam and tell you the huge difference between Islam and the Islamic State.
Date: 27 October 2016 (Thursday)
Time: 6:30pm – 8:00pm
Venue: Lee ShauKee Building (LSK) 304
Speaker: Prof. James Frankel (Director of Centre for the Study of Islamic Culture; Associate Professor, Department of Cultural and Religious Studies, CUHK)
Language: English
Tour of Mosques in Hong Kong
Starting from the Jamia Mosque in Central, the oldest mosque in town, to the Masjid Ammar, an Islamic community in Wan Chai, the tour will lead you to experience the history of Islam and the everyday life of the Muslims in Hong Kong. Also good news for foodies, if you like, you can get a taste of the halal ‘dim sum’ exclusively in the Masjid Ammar (at participants’ own expense)!
Date: 29 October 2016 (Saturday)
Time: 10:00am – 12:00noon
Language: English
Talk (II): 伊斯蘭教法及其特點 Islamic Law and its Characteristics
伊斯蘭教法(沙裡亞法,Sharia Law),是以伊斯蘭教義為準則的法律體系。伊斯蘭教法是根據《古蘭經》和可靠聖訓的相關內容,對人民日常生活和行為作出的法律規定。伊斯蘭法不只是大家記憶中的石擊、鞭刑,它作為一套完善的法律體系,深刻影響著穆斯林的生活。伊斯蘭教法在歷史上的伊斯蘭帝國中扮演了怎樣的角色?現如今有多少國家仍在全部或部分執行伊斯蘭法?伊斯蘭法對生活在世俗國家的穆斯林起到怎樣的作用?這些問題的答案在這個講解中將被揭開。
日期:2016年11月4日 (星期五)
時間:晚上6:30 – 8:00
語言:普通話 (Putonghua)