《二十一世紀》 雙月刊

學術活動 > 第三屆陳克文中國近代史講座 [講者:方德萬教授 Professor Hans van de Ven]

中國文化研究所當代中國文化研究中心將於2019年1月舉辦第三屆「陳克文中國近代史講座」,榮幸邀請到英國劍橋大學方德萬教授 (Professor Hans van de Ven) 蒞臨香港中文大學作兩場演講,詳情如下 ~
Lecture One The Ichigo Offensive of 1944第一講 一號作戰︰1944年的日軍總攻擊
4:15pm, Friday, 4 January 2019
Yasumoto International Academic Park (YIA) 康本國際學術園 LT3
Refreshments will be served at 4:00pm
Lecture Two Beyond the Battlefield in Second World War China: Wartime Everydayness
第二講 戰場以外︰二次世界大戰期間的中國日常生活
4:00pm, Wednesday, 9 January 2019
Yasumoto International Academic Park (YIA) 康本國際學術園 LT4
Both talks will be conducted in English, with Q & A Sessions in English and Chinese
查詢:rcccc@cuhk.edu.hk | 3943-7382
Lecture One The Ichigo Offensive of 1944 Japan's Ichigo Offensive of 1944 was the country's largest operation on land during WWII. Much less studied than for instance the Battle for Shanghai or the Battle for Taierzhuang, it nonetheless had consequences that would shape the post-war international order profoundly. It signalled the decline of Chiang Kaishek's Nationalists and paved the way for the Communist victory. In this talk, Hans van de Ven will examine Japan's reasons for undertaking this massive campaign, the historical and intellectual debates to which it gave rise, and its impact on China's international relations.
Lecture Two Beyond the Battlefield in Second World War China: Wartime Everydayness
Episodically horrific but historically insignificant: that has been the traditional assessment of China's Second World War. That is debatable even if the yardstick by which we judge China's Second World War is its contribution to the defeat of Germany and Japan. However, China's eight long years of resistance against Japanese aggression impacted the way people dressed, talked, prayed, lived, and thought. This talk examines some of the economic, social, and cultural shifts that the war provoked across Chinese society in order to lay a basis for thinking about the Second World War in a less Euro-centric and more genuinely globalized way.
Hans van de Ven was born in 1958 and grew up in the Netherlands, where he studied Sinology at Leiden University. After completing his Ph.D. on the early history of the Chinese Communist Party at Harvard University in the USA, he returned to Europe after being offered a lectureship at Cambridge University. He has been teaching, reading, and writing there ever since. His research is focused on the history of China during the late Qing and Republican periods, with globalization, revolution, and war occupying most of his attention. He has spent his sabbaticals in Taiwan and China, meeting with colleagues at Chinese universities, traveling to places important in his research, and reading in archives and libraries. He was a guest professor at the History Departmnet of Nanjing University, where he also served as an International Fellow at the Hopkins-Nanjing Center during 2005-06. He has shouldered various administrative functions, including Chairmanship of the Faculty of Asian and Middle Eastern Studies and Directorship in Oriental Studies at St. Catherine's College. He was elected to a British Academy Fellowship in 2013. His first book From Friend to Comrade received the Philip Lilienthal Prize and the Chinese translation of Breaking with the Past was awarded a Top Ten Book Award in 2017 by《經濟觀察報》.
Main publications:
1. China at War: Triumph and Tragedy in the Emergence of the New China, 1937-1952 (London: Profile, 2017 and Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2018).
2. Breaking with the Past: The Martime Customs Service and the Global Origins of Modernity in China (New York: Columbia University Press, 2014). Published in Chinese as 《潮來潮去︰海關與中國現代性的全球起源》(太原︰山西人民出版社,2017).
3. War and Nationalism in China, 1925-1945 (London: Routledge, 2003). Published in Chinese as 《中國的民族主義和戰爭 (1925-1945) 》(北京︰三聯書店,2007).
4. From Friend to Comrade: The Founding of the Chinese Communist Party, 1920-1927 (Berkeley, CA: University of California Press, 1991).
1. Negotiating China's Destiny in World War II (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2014).
2. The Battle for China: Essays on the Military History of the Sino-Japanese War of 1937-1945 (Stanford, CA: Stanford University Press, 2010).
第一、二屆講座已於2017年及2018年舉行,兩次講座詳情請見:第一屆:www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/rcccc/events/talk170117.html第二屆:www.cuhk.edu.hk/ics/rcccc/events/talk180322.html 。